Monday, October 30, 2006
A worthy project!
This cartoon is being auctioned off, you can bid at the following location:
Meowm supports our soldiers and especially supports this program. These are voice activated computers for soldiers who have lost or injured arms or hands. Soldiers Angels has a variety of programs that help the soldiers and their families. Check it out and help if you can!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Feeling better...
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
That tub thing!
My medicine seems to be helping me. It tastes yucky but I am feeling a bit better. I think the medicine makes me sleepy because it isn't too long after I take it that I just can't hold my eyes open. It's a good thing Meowm has lots of snuggly places for me to sleep!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Oh and Meowm bought me new dishes again! This time I got....Meowm called them stainless steel. Meowm said that the vet said that glass or stainless steel is better for kitties, as plastics and painting on ceramic dishes can sometimes be bad for us furbabies!
I gotta go sleep now.....
Friday, October 20, 2006
I'm here....just a little late today.
Meowm has still been very busy and is just being able to help me post.
There is not much to report. I have just been resting alot. I play with Meowm a little and then I settle in to sleep, till morning anyway. Then I am up bright and early and bugging Meowm to feed me. I don't like to wait till she gets up around 7 to feed me. I want my food sooner! One morning I woke her up at 10 till 6. She wasn't very happy.....but I kept at her till she got up. I am getting better at getting her when she tries to hide under the covers. She will jump a little when I rub my whiskers on her face....but what really gets to her is when I lick her hair. It is so long that there is no way I can get it all, so I just end up licking alot and the noise or something really bothers her. So now I have a sure fire way to get her up and feeding me.
I haven't had to go to the vet I must be improving enough for that threat to be put to the back burner for a little bit. I will definitely tell all of you about it if she takes me.
This picture of me is when Meowm brought me home. She let me roam for a little while in the car...then she made me get back in the carrier. She calls this picture "Backseat Driver".
Bye for now!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I was nicer to Meowm last night. She says she is worried about me cause I threw up and have done that more than usual lately. She says I seem to be sleeping more and I am only eating about half of my stinky goodness. She did get me some new dental treats....and she wonders if that is making my tummy upset. I think she is gonna take those away and see if that helps. I did hear her talking about the vet....I think I may have to get my teeth cleaned cause she says my breath is not to purrty smelling. I wish I knew how to speak human so we could discuss all this. I really don't like going to the vet.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tummy, Tortie, Tabby Tuesday
Did I miss any T's?
Here is my tummy shot!
I tried and tried to wake Meowma this morning. And it finally worked......but she scooted me off the bed!!! I couldn't believe it! How dare her! So I showed her.....I broke the frame with the picture of She Who Came Before Me in it. Okay, I didn't mean to, but I did. There was noises outside the window and the quickest way to that particular window goes over the picture, so I knocked it over and the back of it broke. Meowm was a little upset, but she didn't yell at me or spank me or anything. And I was kinda mean to her last night....she was trying to pet me and I hissed and nipped at her, then jumped off the bed. After I did that she ignored me for a little while.....maybe a couple of minutes, but it seemed like forever! Then she came and found me and hugged me! I think I was suffering negative nip effects as I had played with my carrot a whole lot and it has super duper special nip in it. Whe Meowm left this morning she told me she loves me. I am sure glad she is so good to me!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Those toe things...
I took my time. I waited it out. I was nice and loving to Meowm this morning. She thought I was asleep and those toe things I POUNCED! I had me a toe for a brief moment...but it got away. I didn't even have a chance to put the bitey on it.....much less a big bitey. I will have to continue my hunt.
On another note....I am sure warming up to my Meowm. I am snuggling more with her and giving her more head butts. I am not sure why....but she seems to like it!
Oh....the picture is of me with one of my feather toys. I clawed this one to smithereens! That black and white striped ball in the corner is my favorite ball!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
What are those things!?
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Achy body
Zeus and a bunch of other kitties have found out there pimp I decided to play along.
Treacherous Junior Rock
Wow! I am treacherous!
Monday, October 09, 2006
I snuggled Meowma real good!
to see it. Meowma can't get the piccie to show up here.
I snuggled Meowma on the chair when she was on that phone thingie. Then I snuggled extra close to her in bed. And I gave her lots of extra head butts and talked to her a bunch. I think I made her feel better.
I ALMOST ESCAPED YESTERDAY! Meowma wasn't paying close enough attention, and I was able to get out the door yesterday. But I didn't get far, before I could decide which direction to go Meowma scooped me up and took me in the house. Once in there she SWATTED MY BUTT!! HOW DARE HER! But I didn't hold it against her. I knew she was just trying to protect I talked to her and rubbed on her a bit.
That was all our excitement this weekend. We just relaxed and snuggled.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
1. Greet Meowma at the door, and I mean at the that she has to push me out of the way to get in. (Really I am getting a good sniff of outside and checking to see if I can make a dash for freedom).
2. Mrowr at Meowma while she puts her things up.
3. Do the stop and plop (Meowma loves this is guaranteed to turn her heart into goo). I stop where I am standing, look lovingly at Meowma, then I plop onto my side. No laying down and rolling over! I simply stop and plop! I lay this way till Meowma picks me up and gives me suitable scritches. Something else I do while Meowma is scritching me is lay my head on her shoulder...if by some chance the stop and plop didn't make her heart turn into goo, this does!
4. I jump up on the counter, meow purrtily, head bump and rub Meowma till she gives me my food.
Once my tummy is full I commence with the usual evening play. Chase the mousie, or feathers or just relax and nap. Sometimes I mrowr pitifully and Meowma gives me treats!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Bear dog
Meowma is taking over my blog today. She says she has to write about Bear dog because he crossed the bridge yesterday. She also says I must sing(pray) for him as he crosses. I wasn't very happy about this and let her know about it. She relented and told me that she understood that I didn't want to sing him across (being that he is a dog, and he did like to chase cats).....but she told me that I had to sing for his beans. She reminded me that his beans would come play with me and that his bean mama would come feed me and torment...I mean play with me. So, here is Meowma.
I paws today to remember Bear. He was not my dog, but belonged to good friends of mine. I don't recall how long he was on this earth, but do know that he lived a long, good life.
I remember him first as a small black ball of fluff. So tiny and cute with that black tongue hanging out. Playing and nipping with or at anyone who would get near him. I missed some of his years as I was in school and then moved and lived an hour away. The times whe I would visit....once he realized that he knew me, he would greet me joyously and let me enter the house. He was a good protector. He liked to chase the neighborhood or stray cats that would wander around (much to my dismay). When his beans would get ready to go on the mountain (camping) his whole body would wiggle in anticipation. He knew what all that packing meant. He could hardly wait to get up there and start chasing those "fat butts" (some kind of rodent, don't ask their actual name....I don't recall it). He also had many friends on the mountain...both the bean kind and the canine kind. He was a well-behaved dog and was welcome at all camps. He would go for walks each morning with his bean Mom (Teena) and would go visiting with his bean Dad (Frank). When he wasn't chasing fat butts, walking or visiting he was happy to curl up in the shade and enjoy the cooler weather. All that fur kept him quite warm.
Quite often his bean Mom would brush, bathe and trim him. While he wasn't happy with this whole process, I think he felt pretty good once it was all done. And he always looked so handsome when she was done. As he got older his Mom took him to a pet spa where he could walk up into a big tub to be washed. I think the funnest thing for him here was how wet he could get his Mom. I think she came back as wet or wetter than he was.
In his later years he would lay on the front porch. He watched all the activities around him, barked at those critters he thought were a danger and just relaxed. He always loved a good scratch behind the ears and eagerly looked forward to "treat" time. And he still looked forward to going up on the mountain...even if he aging body wouldn't let him chase fat butts like he wanted to.
This past weekend he got to enjoy a last trip to the mountains. His Mom tells me he wasn't feeling well so they loaded up to get him home and to the (dreaded) vet. His Mom rode with him in the back of the truck and he passed with his head lying in her lap. She informed me of his death through her tears and we talked a bit about him.
He has friends at the bridge, so he won't be alone. He is also healthy and running around like that small black ball of fluff again. I know that he will be happy to greet his beans when it is their time to cross the bridge. Until then we all remember him with much love.
Juniors Meowma