Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tabby Tuesday

Have we mentioned that we will be doing th e m-o-v-e thing? Well, we will be. Meowm has started pulling stuff out and going thru it to get rid of things that we don't need. This is going to be great fun, because it means we get to sniff out stuff that we don't usually even get close to! I think this m-o-v-i-n-g stuff will be fun!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Meezer Monday

Busy, busy, busy..........

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday


A very good thing happened last night!!! Meowm had received a notice at our apartments about not feeding the ferals. Well, she wasn't standing for this! Not feeding them would not solve any issues. So she went and talked to the manager and was amazed when the manager was welcome to the idea of taking care of the ferals, rather than getting rid of them. The manager wanted to do an educational meeting for any tenants interested, so Meowm set it up with No More Homeless Pets. Well, the educational meeting happened last night. The sad thing is, only 4 tenants showed up (out of 300 apartments). The good thing is 4 representatives from No More Homeless Pets showed up, and we all worked out that we will set up feeding stations and winter homes for the ferals. Before the new feeding stations are set up, NMHP will come in and trap for any kitties needing to be spayed or neutered.

The best place we could figure for feeding stations and winter homes are near the trash cans. Not an ideal place, but the place easiest to conceal. See, the trash can areas are fenced in on 3 sides and there is a little section that has a sidewalk where the people are supposed to walk in to throw there trash in. Well, the trash cans, or rather bins, don't fit in the area that way, so that little fenced sidewalk area will be the area for the ferals. A gate can be put on the front and some roofing be put on the top. This way they have some protection from people that may want to do mean things, and they have protection from the elements with the roofing. The kitties can shimmy along side the trash bins, and get in at the area where people would have been tossing their trash in. If people want to bother them, they will have to shimmy past the nasty trash bins themselves. We are hoping that will be a big deterrent. Locks will be put on the doors and only the regular feeders will get a key to them.

TNR may happen as soon as next week and feeding stations will be set up after TNR is finished. Winter homes will be built and readied for next Fall. Kitties, let's all purr that this works out for everyone. Let's purr that the peoples don't get in there and do mean things to the kitties. Let's purr that the kitties take to this new arrangement. Let's purr that the TNR is successful and we get the remaining kitties who need it. Let's purr for quick repair work of the areas where the feeding and homes will go.

It appears that all the current employees in the office and maintenance are on board with this, so hopefully they will put in some extra effort to get it done sooner, rather than later. Meowm is breathing a sigh of relief because she wants to keep feeding and this is the only way she can see it happening once we get moved to the
3rd floor.

Oh, and if this works out well, NMHP can go to other apartment complexes and see if it can be implemented at those places as well.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Eye is Much Better

My other eye doesn't look so good in this picture, but that is because Meowm is learning how to use iphoto. My eye that I was closing seems to be okay. I haven't been closing it since this morning. Meowm thought that side of my face seemed a bit swollen, but she doesn't think it is now. She is going to see how I look in the morning (yes, we are setting this up on Monday night) and decide from there. She did already make an appointment just in case.

Wish me luck and purr that I don't have to go to the v-e-t after all. Meowm is still a bit nervous to not take me, since I am FIV+, but hates to take me there and have nothing be wrong. I have been eating and playing just fine.

**UPDATE**Meowm has decided that I don't need to go to the
v-e-t. I have been eating and playing up a storm and there was very little favoring my eye last night. She will still watch me like a hawk and get me in if necessary.

However, our furiend Whitey has been battling an illness, and while the initial illness is doing better he hasn't been eating, so he now has a feeding tube. Please go over and visit and leave a purr or crossed paws for him. He is such a sweetie and so adored, we want him to get all better. Thank you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mancat Monday

Well Meowm couldn't get a very good picture of the entire thing that moved in, which you can tell is a new cat tree for us, but she did get some of us on it. She was concerned we were never going to use it, but once she took the old one away, we didn't have a choice. We are still getting used to it, but so far we like it. We have to thank the Katnip Lounge, as Meowm was inspired by the ones they bought and Mom Trish pointed our Meowm in the proper direction to get ours.

Yes, one of Sammy's eyes is closed. Meowm doesn't know what happened, but it has been injured so he will have to go to the v-e-t today. Meowm hopes it isn't anything serious. Please purr for our brofur, and for Meowms wallet.

**UPDATE** Meowm did type this post for us last night. Sammy started opening his eye up last night. This morning he is opening it for longer, so Meowm will watch over it closely and see how it goes. If necessary she will take him to the v-e-t tomorrow.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Finally Friday!

'Nuff said.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Something strange has moved in

It is big, blue and white, and none of us are sure what to makeof it. Meowm says she will get pictures this weekend to share with all of you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pillars of Strength - A Special Day for K

There is a very special woofie,
K is fighting the evil c. We are adding our purrs for extra strength for K and for the entire family. "c" is a nasty thing that all too many of us have had to deal with, whether it be with a furr family member or fur furiend or a human family member or furiend. It is just takes too many loved ones from us. Go over and visit and be amazed by all that K and his human share.

***Scroll down for another post***

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Or as Meowm likes to call it, Happy Singles Awareness Day. Whatever you call it, we hope you have a good one.

We are going to sit on Meowm today as she has a nasty headache.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mancat Monday

Last Thursday was an interesting evening for us. These yucky blurps of water came up and ran onto the floor and in some of the carpet. Meowm called and got maintenance over here, and got it cleaned up, but she had to stay home on Friday to wait for them to come back and fix stuff. Well, Meowm didn't have to stay home, but the last time they did something in here without her being here, they left the master key in the lock in the door, for Meowm does not know how long. She got home at 7:30 that evening and there it was.

Anyway, they came over and decided that some purrty extensive stuff needs to be done, and Meowm talked to the manager and we are going to be moving. Meowm is tired of being on the bottom floor and dealing with all the water that can come down from other apartments when things break, so we are moving to the top floor. We will also be facing a different direction, so we will get more afternoon sun, which means we can all sunbathe more!!! WOO HOO!!!

The move probably won't happen till the end of March, early April, but we are very excited. Well not so much for the actual moving stuff, but for when we are settled in.

The bummer is Meowm will have a harder time feeding our ferals. And the nice feral home she just had made, well, it may have to find a new home to go to. She doesn't trust peoples around here to not mess with it, or steal it. She is working on plans for how to handle the feral stuff and hopes she can get things figured out so the babies still get the benefits we have been providing.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

It's My Turn

Saturday morning was a nice morning. We all slept in for awhile, then Meowm was up and getting all ready like she does when she will be leaving for a bit. I was still lounging quite comfortably on the big bed. I heard a bit of a ruckus out in the living room, my brofur Orion being slightly displeased about something. I didn't bother to get up to check it out, I was just that comfy! Thge next thing I knew I am being scooped up and deposited in a PTU! Then I look over and now know why Orion was displeased, he is in the other PTU! What the hell? We never go anywhere in these things together. So we are hauled out to the big machine on wheels and off we go.

Oncew we got to the v-e-t place, which I was purrty certain where we were going, and got into our own room, Meowm opened up the PTU's and out I jumped. I had to make my rounds and sniff everything out. Then I plop down on the floor and cool off a bit, then make my rounds again. Orion found a corner and stayed there.

Purrty soon the v-e-t comes in and Meowm puts me up on the counter. I immediately rubbed on the v-e-t, just to make her feel a bit better, and to hopefully butter her up a bit so she wouldn't say any words like "diet". It worked!!!!! She melted and the word was not mentioned. However, she did look at my tail and then I was hauled to the back room where they took away tufts of my furs!!!!! I have two bald spots on my tail! In all fairness, the v-e-t did ask me if I would be okay with looking like this for a bit, but she didn't wait very long for my response. Also she stole the furs on my chin! Then she poked at my, oh I hate to admit it, at my acne. Once that was over, thankfully I was done! The v-e-t talked to Meowm about how to take care of my tail (I still have the stud tail issue) and the acne and I was free to roam again.

I roamed and sniffed while they looked over my brofur, and while he was getting hissed off at them in the back. I roamed when they brought him back in and discussed how his lungs were doing (see Mondays post for this info). Then we were stuffed back in the PTU's and off we went. Meowm made a couple of drive thru stops, then were were home! And boy were we glad to be there!!!!!

So now you know the story of our weekend. We spent the rest of it napping, eating and playing. Orion was so angry at the v-e-t that I thought he would go pee on the big bed in protest, but he was a good mancat and didn't do that.

Yes, we have been demanding, and getting some extra treats! Hopefully this keeps up for awhile!


Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Tabby Tuesday

You would not believe the indignities I suffered over the weekend! Meowm loaded me up into a PTU and I knew immediately where she was taking me! I don't like that place! Someone took my front claws at a place like this. Yes, it was the evil
v-e-t place. I have been sneezing and sounding a bit wheezy so Meowm took me in to get looked at.

The first thing they did to me was clip my back claws. Meowm tries to do this to me, but I am very fierce when it comes to keeping my remaining claws as long as possible. I don't care that they don't retract and that Meowm gets poked by them on a regular basis. They are the only claws I have and I will fight to the death to keep them! Well unfortunately, between Meowm and the v-e-t they got my claws clipped. I guess I will have to resort to using my awesome fangs more!

Speaking of fangs, I over heard them saying I needed a dental. I know that both of my brofurs had teeth stolen when they went in for dentals, so I am askeered that I am going to get my teeth stolen too. Is it not bad enough that they have already taken my claws? Must they take my teeth too?

After the v-e-t listened to my lungs and stuff, she said she needed to get a picture. Why in the world does she need a picture when I am right in front of her? Why does she need a picture when Meowm has several and she could have given her one? What? Oh, Meowm just said they needed a picture of my insides. That explains why it was different from the usual flashy box that Meowm uses.

But, before the picture was taken, I suffered very unnecessary indignities! You all know what they do to you. You all know about that thing they put in your bootie! Well, as if once isn't enough, the evil v-e-t did this to me THREE times! Yes, THREE!!! Apparently she wasn't happy with the reading the first two times, so she went in for a third. My bootie may never be the same again!

So by the time I actually went back to have my picture taken, I was already good and hissed off. I decided it was past time for my anger to be known so I let them have it. I won't say what all I did, but they ended up putting me behind bars till Meowm looked at my pictures too, and then scooped me up and got me the hell out of that place! My picture was similar to the last on taken, so I am back on prednisolone and have been taking terbutaline all along. Meowm needs to get a humidifier and needs to check into the filters in our home. This will actually be helpful for all of us, as Junior has a bit of asthma and Meowm has asthma also.

It was a very traumatic day! I was never so glad to see home as I was that day! I am still waking up from nightmares about being poked in the bootie so many times! Evil v-e-t!


Monday, February 06, 2012

Meezer Monday!

Yep, here I am again. You would think this is the only pose I have since Meowm uses this picture so much. It is staying lighter longer, so maybe Meowm will actually get some other pictures of me. I think she has a few videos of me too, that she should be sharing with all of you. Sheesh! We are going to have to fire her if she doesn't shape up!!!

I had the place to myself for awhile on Saturday morning. I'm not going to share anymore of the story, I will let my brofurs do that this week. I almost didn'tknow what to do with myself, having no other cats to terror......err I mean play with, but I managed to enjoy myself. At least I didn't get the evil eye, or yelled at a bit for attacking tails.

Well, I better go and take a nap.....it is hard work keeping Meowm up all night!

Friday, February 03, 2012

Finally Friday!!

If that Sammy does not leave my tail alone some serious whappage will have to occur! Thank goodness it is Friday and Meowm will be home to run interference!


Thursday, February 02, 2012

We Had Company

We had company Tuesday night and yesterday! I heard two more voices at home! I was hiding under the big bed, cause it's what I do when I hear things I don't recognize. I hung out under there for awhile, but finally got brave and came out. I didn't let them pet me, but I did sniff out their things. ~~Sammy

Yep, we had company! I had a good time sniffing stuff out! They set up that big bed with air in it and Junior and I hung out on it for a bit. One of the people put this funny thing on the big bed of air. It was kind if slippery and I enjoyed doing machine paw on it. I even let them pet me a little bit! ~~Orion

Yes, Meowm had two ladies came visit. At first I thought maybe it was Grandmeowm and Grandpaw, but it wasn't. I sniffed out all their stuff and it had some woofie smells on it! They settled in to watch a movie and one of them had a pillow on her lap, so I made myself comfy there. Meowm was astounded that I did that. (I have to surprise her sometimes.) I let that lady pet me for a bit, then moved on. It was fun having some different people stay over night! ~~Junior

One of my oldest friends came in with one of her daughters for a doctors visit. We had a good time, and the boys really had a good time. Well Junior and Orion had a good time. Sammy is still a spooky boy, but I am certain that will change. ~~Meowm