Tummy, Tortie, Tabby Tuesday

Did I miss any T's?
Here is my tummy shot!
I tried and tried to wake Meowma this morning. And it finally worked......but she scooted me off the bed!!! I couldn't believe it! How dare her! So I showed her.....I broke the frame with the picture of She Who Came Before Me in it. Okay, I didn't mean to, but I did. There was noises outside the window and the quickest way to that particular window goes over the picture, so I knocked it over and the back of it broke. Meowm was a little upset, but she didn't yell at me or spank me or anything. And I was kinda mean to her last night....she was trying to pet me and I hissed and nipped at her, then jumped off the bed. After I did that she ignored me for a little while.....maybe a couple of minutes, but it seemed like forever! Then she came and found me and hugged me! I think I was suffering negative nip effects as I had played with my carrot a whole lot and it has super duper special nip in it. Whe Meowm left this morning she told me she loves me. I am sure glad she is so good to me!
Oh that's a nice tummy Junior! I don't see any stipes though for Tabby Tuesday! You are furry handsome though.
Have you thought about joining Catnip Anonymous to get help with your problem? We're a very caring group. I know, I know, at first it's a little embarassing to get up there and tell your 'nip story, but we've all done it. Think about it, Junior.
coming off those nip highs can be rough. George is right - perhaps you should join catnip anonymous
furry nice tummy!
I didn't do a new picture today, I just wasn't in the mood. But yours is very nice and soft lookin'. My Mom wants to kiss it, so watch out!
You furgot tuxi tuesday too. But you've got a very nice tummy. can I play wiff it?
That was kinda mean to break the picture but she loves you so Im sure you were forgiven. ;)
oh, look out, junior--what a precious tum, our mom sez! if she gets to slc, your tum's in serious danger of getting scruggled!!
thanks for droppin' by our blog earlier--we've added you to our links, too. stop in any time!
purrs from
nels, ed, nitro, & xing lu
(and xing adds: no, it didn't hurt at all to hurl that thing, but sure surprised me when my Mommy started howlin'!)
Don't feel too bad Junior, I once broke a temperature thingy that had lots of water AND oil in it. That got the floor all sticky and nasty. The Chip Man was VERY angry. But people get over it.
Very nice tummy.
If you're gonna "sniff the carrot" you gotta not use it as an excuse for your behavior. You have one underderstanding Meowma! You really didn't break that picture on purpose, did you?
Good job, Junior! You got 4 t's out of this Tuesday.
Junior your a furry handsome kitty. Fank you fur visiting our bloggie yesterday. - Sia
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