Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I was tagged by Latte!
1. Well, Meowm was looking for something to do online...she was kinda bored with what she already we created a blog for me.
2. I love sharing pictures of me.
3. I love all the friends I have made in the blogoshpere! There are so many wonderful kitties and beans out there!
4. It is a way to express myself. I only have my Meowm at home to share things with and that just isn't enough.
5. Just cause it is fun!
Now, the five I choose to tag are: Yao-lin, Kimo and Sabi, Millie, and Monkey.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The polar bear in my house......

Monday, March 26, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
My giant bed.....

Here I am on my giant bed. I am kind enough to share it with my Meowm. She changes the bedding on it every week for me. You can kinda see the polar bears and penguins on the nifty flannel bedding. It also has snowflakes on it. I love my giant bed!!! I just wish Meowm was home more to keep me warmer in it!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Laying in the sun!

Meowm moved things around at home so I would have some good sun to lay in. At our other place I had a window seat, but that doesn't work here. She has been worried about me not getting enough sun, so she figured out how to let some in. She says she has to call the office and tell them to trim back the trees so more sun can come in.
You can probably tell from the look on my face that I was really enjoying myself. I am so glad Meowm did this for me!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Here are the ducks outside my home. These are the two that are comimng up to my window the most, but there are more out there. As the spring and summer progresses, Meowm will take more pictures for me to share with all of you!
Last night Mewom had the door open and I heard a whole bunch of birds. Meowm called them a flock....whatever it is, there was a bunch of them talking and I wanted to go get them!
I can hardly wait to send out everyones prizes and gifts from the contest! It will be so much fun seeing and reading everyones reactions! Meowm says we don't have all the gifts in our paws right now, but we will soon, so please be patient!
Monday, March 19, 2007
AND THE WINNERS ARE.............
Second place goes to The Meezer Gang! Congratulations! You win two purr pads from Siamese Rescue!
Third place goes to Rosie and Cheeto! Congratulations! You win a purr pad from Siamese Rescue!
I also have a little gift for everyone who participated or posted a comment that day. So everyone needs to sen me their address and how many cats are in their homes to juniorbabeeAThotmailDOTcom.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! And thanks for making my first official contest so wonderful!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
It's nearing our 140th post....Guess when it will happen!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007
Water testing seminar
I saw some duckies yesterday!
And they were right outside my door! Well, okay, there is my door, then a porch....and then there they were! Meowm says there was a female and a male. I didn't care about that I was just having fun watching them! Meowm even picked me up so that I could see them a little better. Now I just have to figure out a way to get close enough to them to steal a feather!
HAPPY ST. PADDY'S DAY EVERYONE! Be sure to go have some nip in honor of the day!!!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Thursday Thirteen
1. Eat stinky goodness, crunchies and treats.
2. Sleep in my millie bed, on the big bed that I share with Meowm or on my chair.
3. Play with my toys...all of them.
4. Try to tear apart my toys with nip in them. I tore a hole in the mouse my Grandmeowm gave me for Christmas. I have torn quite a large hole in the heart Kaze gave me for Valentines Day. I can't get a hole torn in my nip carrot!
5. Eat the nip after I tear a hole in the nip toys.
6. Stand guard over Meowm while she is in the human litterbox room . I stand on the counter so that I am between her and the door.
7. Drink water out of the big tub when Meowm fills it and gets in it.
8. Try to catch those things moving around in the big tub of water.
9. Dip my tail in the big tub of water (I have the cleanest cat tail in the world!).
10. Keep my Meowm guessing about how much I want to be petted. I am very particular about being loved on.....I only want it when I want it and I only want how much I want.
11. Groom my Meowms loooooonnnnnnngggggggg hair to make her wake up in the morning! I want fed when I want fed and not a minute later and grooming her hair drives her nuts!
12. Doing the stop and plop when Meowm comes home from work.
13. Snuggling with Meowm while she is asleep.....this way she isn't aware that I am doing it.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Busy Tuesday!
Meowm came home last night and played with that thing on the tv again. But not for very long. She petted and petted on me and we played some too! Then I napped and she watched a show on the tv. When we went to bed, she petted me lots more.
It's warming up here! When Meowm got home and after she fed me, she opened up the big sliding glass door! I love it when she does that cause I can smell all the outside stuff! And when I jump up on my bed I can see all kinds of stuff AND smell it! I can hardly wait for the birdies to really start flying around!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Meezer Monday!!!!!!!

What a weekend! We had company on Friday and Saturday night! On Friday night we had one lady visiting us. Her and Meowm played with this strange toy....they hold something in their hands and stare at the television thing alot. All kinds of strange noises happen whe they are doing this. They played with that for so long that I finally had to sit in front of them and tell them off! It was time for them to stop and pay attention to me! Also it was way past Meowm and my bedtime!
Then the next night they were at it again! But this time another lady was there. She was very nice....she brushed me with the zoom grooom and she had funny smells on her...Meowm says she has a ferret...whatever that is. I smelled other cats on both those ladies.....and one of them had her toes bare, so I got to check those out! They stayed up purrty late again, but I didn't tell them off this time.
On Sunday, Meowm was with me all day long! We had a nap together and she petted on me lots. We also played with the wand toy! I was so glad to have my Meowm all to myself!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Just a quick note!!!!
Look for new posts below our 140th entry!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Thursday Thirteen and please say some purrayers
Thirteen things Meowm thought during the flood (with bleeping):
1. Maybe this leak will stop if I tighten the knob.
2. Oh S@$t!
3. Now what the h*%do I do? (as she was holding the knob down to keep the water from shooting up to the ceiling).
4. The shut off valve won't budge. (as she was holding the knob down and reaching under the sink).
5. I need more leverage, but I really don't want the water shooting up to the ceiling.....maybe I will just try moving the knob for a second.
6. EEEKKK!!! (as she slams the knob back on the water plume).
7. Gotta try it anyway....I can't stand here like this all night. (she removes knob, gets under sink and the shut off valve still won't close).
8. Have to get water shut off (as she runs frantically through the apartment to the laundry room).
9. Crap! Two valves on the hot water heater.....I'll try this one...not bout this one.
10. WOO HOO! No more water spraying everywhere.
11. Must call the office......blah, blah, blah....hurry up, I need maintenance! D&*n answering service!
12. Towels, I need towels...lots of towels!!!
13. (A knock sounds on the door....Meowm opens it) the stranger says "You got a water leak?" Meowm says "More like a flood" (as she stands there, drenched from head to toe).
It was quite exciting actually. I don't think Meowm felt that way though.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
My gift from the Cyclone Cats

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Flood Control Monday!!!!
So I missed Hug Day that Mu Shue started and I am very sorry for that! So I am sending out a big ole HUG to every cat out there! I love all of you!
Now I gotta go recover from all the excitement!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Please don't leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry that beans and cats got their feelings hurt.....but please stay.....we all love you!
Frisky Friday

Since I don't have frooty ears, I figured I would post some frisky pictures instead!
Sometimes I see things on the walls at home. Sometimes they are kinda gray and other times they are kinda shiny. Meowm calls them shadows and reflections. Whatever they are, I like them. I chirp at them sometimes and I try to catch them. It is great fun! I'll have to get Meowm to get some pictures of me playing with them.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Tissue paper!!!!!!!