Here are the ducks outside my home. These are the two that are comimng up to my window the most, but there are more out there. As the spring and summer progresses, Meowm will take more pictures for me to share with all of you!
Last night Mewom had the door open and I heard a whole bunch of birds. Meowm called them a flock....whatever it is, there was a bunch of them talking and I wanted to go get them!
I can hardly wait to send out everyones prizes and gifts from the contest! It will be so much fun seeing and reading everyones reactions! Meowm says we don't have all the gifts in our paws right now, but we will soon, so please be patient!
OMG you could totally swipe at those ducks. If they were at my window I would be chirruping away until I could catch them...oh yes, that would fun..mwa ha ha
MonkeyBunkey here, for my sister Cooper who says: "If you catch any, I'd like mine roasted please." cg
What if those ducks had walked inside the open door? I'm not sure what I'd think if a duck walked into our place!
Do thowse ducks blog? If so, I bet thay have a vary hard time with the keeyboord. We like luking at pickturs of silly annemuls so keep taking pickturs of thowse ducks...yoo gotta name them too!!!
Pee-Ess- Yoo Rock Junior! Thanks fur howlding such a grate contest!
Wow, you have ducks!
Oh my gosh!!! We would be going absolutely nuts with quackers that close!!! Of course, we don't know what quackers are, but it would be fun learning wouldn't it???
RE: your comment on our Davy story. The worse part is wondering what he went through. I can't imagine knowing what I do. It gives me chills, nightmares, and changed me. I lost a sense of innocence concerning our youth.
Luf, Us & Maw
Those ducks are very cool! I actually saw my first ducks the other day when I went out in my stroller. Birdies are so much fun to watch!
Seriously?? OK, I think I'd bust my way through a glass window to try to get at those creatures. Mmmm...fev-ver lickin' good!
Oh, look, a boy duck and a girl duck. They might be out on a date.
Oh, those remind me of the gooses that come to our park across the street. We like to sit in the front window and watch them.
Maxwell Smarkitty
Oh duckies!
We gets to watch chickens sometimes, so we know what fun it is to imagine going out there and chasing yardbirds!
Daphne & Chloe
Those duckies are beautiful...but, we'd still chase them! heeheehee!
Junior ... They look delicious ... Uh, I mean cute!
Still luving thowse duckies!! Hey, Junior...yoo gotta check yer email!!
Those are some plump looking birds.......
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