Pillars of Strength - A Special Day for K

There is a very special woofie,
K is fighting the evil c. We are adding our purrs for extra strength for K and for the entire family. "c" is a nasty thing that all too many of us have had to deal with, whether it be with a furr family member or fur furiend or a human family member or furiend. It is just takes too many loved ones from us. Go over and visit and be amazed by all that K and his human share.
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Sending my purrayers to K.!
We are sharing our strength with K as well.
Awe, dat was very sweet of ya'll! We has nevers experienced a furry one withs cancer but our hearts go out to them.
Sendiing good throughts and purrs to K. and Valentine's wishes and love to you and your family!
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