Thank you all for your support and the links and information on FIV. Meowm knew it was no longer a death sentnece, she just needed to be more informed on other aspects of this disease.
She still worries about us getting it from Sammy, but knows that we are getting along fine right now. She will be watching, and if we take a turn for the worse, she will deal with it at that time.
The other worry Meowm has is the expense of the v-e-t bills that may pop up. She will start getting a savings together to alleviate that worry and will be checking into pet insurance, although she doesn't hold out hope that he is insurable.
Also, Meowm will be doing a thorough cleaning and tossing out of things in our home. She wants us to have space when we need it, and she can give us more of that by tossing out some stuff. She says she has needed to do this and this is the purrfect time to do so.
If she can, she will be creating some hidey holds for us, and some spaces we can go up a bit high to get away. We all currently have our favorite spots away from each other anyway, but a few more places won't hurt. She is not sure how it will work out, since our place is 551 square feet, but she will try.
So, as you can tell Sammy is staying. Meowm says she didn't take him in lightly. She had no plans of bolting at the first problem, she just hadn't figured on it being something like this. She does know that Sammy was bit twice while he was outside, as she took care of both of those wounds for him. She just didn't think about the possibility of FIV positive at the time.
Meowm welcomes all suggestions whether it be for hiding places for us, or helpful supplements for Sammy. It appears his problems will lie with his teeth and ears. We are hoping and purring, that with the worms gone, his intestinal issues will clear up and not be a problem in the future.
He bounced back purrty quick when Meowm brought him home Monday evening. He was roaming around and playing and was ready for food in no time. We can only imagine that having 6 bad teeth was no comparison in pain to having them pulled. He does have stitches and Meowm has to take him back in for a check up on those.
He does groom alot, and Meowm is a bit concerned about that, so when she takes him back for his check up, Meowm will have his skin looked at for possible issues there. She hopes that the grooming will mellow before he goes back. He did get groomed at the v-e-t so maybe he didn't like the smell of the shampoo, or just needed to get the v-e-t smell off him. Either way, Meowm will keep an eye on him.
Again, thank you all for your support. Meowm cried alot of tears since the diagnosis, and when she saw the blog yesterday and all the responses, well she broke down in tears again, but good ones this time.