We were tagged for a meme by the Furry Kids!!
Here are the rules:
1. Be honest.
2. Have fun!
1. How many calenders are in your home?
Two! And they both have cats on them!
2. What is your fave season?
We both like Spring and Fall the best...not to warm and not to cold!
3. What is your lucky number?
Junior~I am gonna say 8, because that is the day I came to my forever home, the 8th of January!
Orion~I am gonna say 28, because that is the day I came to my forever home, the 28th of March!
4. What is your fave month?
See above!
5. Which do you like best, Planting seeds, Climbing trees, Jumping into a pile of leafs, or, building igloos?
Orion~I think I would like jumping into a pile of leaves!
Junior~I think I would like climbing trees!
6. Now tag some people!
We are gonna tag the Big Piney Woods Cats and Gandalf & Grayson!
Thanks for tagging us Furry Kids!