Funny cat

That is what Meowm calls me....."Funny Cat". Well, that is one of the names Meowm calls me. She doesn't understand my laying in funny positions. I was just having a good long stretch in this picture.....and who cares if I happened to fall asleep.
Meowm asks that you pay no attention to the WHITE leg below me.....or the trash....or the less than clean couch (it was a hand me down). Meowm really needs to get some sun, empty that trash and clean that couch....or at least put a cover on it!
In other news....I had to make Meowm clean our litterbox last night. She was getting into bed, but I wanted our litterbox cleaned! So I acted like I was going to pee on the big bed and she jumped right up and went and cleaned our I know what it takes.
AND, we heard a little "meow" last night around 12:30. Meowm got out of bed, slipped on her tennis shoes and headed outside with a flashlight. She said she could hear a cat meowing around one of the other apartments and then it got quiet. She is hoping it was meowing to get in and its beans let it in. She flashed her light around our bedroom window to make sure we didn't have a little one outside of it but didn't see anything. She put out the winter homes we have for the outdoor kitties on Sunday evening, so hopefully if there are some new strays, they will find those homes to sleep in.
I am off to nap more now! ORION
You look comfy and that's all that counts Junior.
My Mommie calls that the Supercat position!
Oh you're just the lap kitty your mom wanted! I love lap snuggles too.
Orion, you look furry comfy in that position!
~The Creek Cats~
How wonderful of you to put our winter homes for the ferals or lost! We will mention to our Auntie who has ferals in New England. She always worries about them more during the winter.
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