Finally Friday!!!!!

Meowm is beat....she is ready for a nap. She is also sad because one of the feral kitties has a hurt paw and she can't get close enough to see what is wrong. The kitty is holding the paw up, not putting any weight on it at all. She purrayed for him/her last night. We are purring for the best and also that all outdoor kitties will be especially safe tonite!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween guys! Sorry to hear about the kitty with the hurt paw, we will be purraying and purring for it too!!
~The Creek Cats~
I hope the kitty gets caught by someone who can help it.
Happy Halloween!
oh my we hopes that the feral kitties there are safe and that your mom can get close enough to find out what's wrong.
Happy Halloween!!
Aww poor feral kitty! We have a cute little feral kitty at the barn who seems to have aborted a litter. We're trying to find her a good home.
Happy Halloween to you & Orion, Junior! Ninna's hoping you get lots of treats for Halloween.
We'll purr for the little feral kitty,
P.S. Thanks much for the get well wishes.
Happy Halloween. Tell your mum to get some rest.
Happy Hallowe'en, doods!
DMM and the Feline Americans
poor kitty, we'll be praying that the kitty will let your mom get close enough to help!
i'm sorry abowt da feral ...
mi feral (joba) iz makin hizself at home deez dayz. he likez to sit on mi mom'z lap an get scritchez.
I hope the kitty with the hurt paw is OK. Makes me sad to think about maybe an ouchy on a furry.
Thanks for stopping by the other day to check on the mom of the house. She is doing great since her surgery and feeling so much better now.
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