Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another Thursday

And another day closer to Friday!!!!! We haven't been visiting as much because Meowm has been a bit busy with the jobbie and life stuff. Things should mellow out soon!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tabby Tuesday

Not much to tell today. We had a nice calm evening last night. The big sliding window was open and we got to smell all the smells. We also got to see the cats coming to feed. Then, of course, there was the loves from Meowm. Yep, a nice,calm evening.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meezer Monday

I love paper bags!!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Finally Friday!!

WOO HOO!!! Another weekend. Unfortunately Meowm has to go to the jobbie tomorrow and do inventory which she says is counting things. We think that is kinda weird. why count things? Anyway, so we don't get here for part of, well all of tomorrow, cause after this inventory thing she is going with friends to a dinner. All we know is, she better stay home with us tonite!

Is blogger being a booger for anyone else? And Meowm thinks we need to back up our blog, anyone know anything about doing that?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thankful Thursday!!!

We are thankful for all of you!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tabby Tuesday

You see how I help Meowm make the big bed? I snoopervise so very well!

Meowm always bugs me when I am on the tree. She just can't keep her paws off me. And she always has to give me kisses. What can I say...I am just that gorgeous!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Meezer Monday

Here I am with my sparkle ball. I wasn't very playful with it because I knew Meowm had the flashy box thing out. Usually the human litterbox room is in a shamb les by the time I get done with a session with the sparkle ball. We do apologize for the noise. The human litterbox room has a fan that automatically runs in it, and that is what the noise is.

Friday, September 17, 2010

WOO HOO!! Friday!!

Meowm wasn't angry about me scratching her. She knew I didn't mean to. But she did hold her hand over the scratched area for awhile before she finally looked at it. She bandaged it after her dip in that big tub of water (why do beans do that?). I don't actually scratch her all that often, but my brother.......well, even though he only has back claws he gets her quite often because his back claws no longer retract. She doesn't get angry at him either, but it is funny watching her try to avoid his claws. Sometimes he is too close to her feet and scratches her. We do get a good chuckle out of watching her try to dance away from his claws. ;)


Thursday, September 16, 2010


Meowm picked me up and loved on me for a minute, then as she was setting me down....she was holding me kind of awkward....and I scratched the side of her tummy. I made it bleed........oops.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tabby Tuesday

Hey kitties!!!! We are enjoying our bits of sun while we can. Purrty soon we won't get any coming in our big sliding window, cause we are in a basement the sun won't be able to reach inside the window. Bummer!!!!!! We are soaking up as much as we can. Meowm hopes to find us a new place to live next year, one where we will get more sun. We are keeping our paws crossed.

We have to get Meowm to download the new pictures she took. My brother with his sparkle ball and me helping make the big bed.

Meowm is still worried about me. I quit pulling out my furs for awhile, but now I am doing it again. Meowm just can't make heads or tails of what the issue is. She is considering taking me back to the v-e-t. I'm not stinky all the time, but still am on occasion, the fur pulling is back, and I am drinking more water. Meowm thinks the water is because we are getting dry food for a meal, when it was just a snack before. She says I am quite a conundrum. What's a conundrum?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Meezer Monday

Meowm is busy doing the jobbie thing. We are busy doing the cat thing. We will visit when we can!!!!!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Finally Friday!!!!!

It's hard to believe it was a short jobbie work for Meowm! It seems like she has been gone for days and she says it feels like she has worked 8 days this week.

Meowm got some pictures of me (Junior) last night playing with my sparkle ball, but not very good ones and not much video. She says she will keep trying over the weekend.

It has cooled down here again, and we are enjoying a bit more snuggling with Meowm at night. We are thankful for a bit of coolness, but we do worry about all those outdoor kitties with Winter just around the corner.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Tabby Thursday

Finally I get my day!!! I tell you kitties what.....all this different food I have been given to try out is wearing me out. I am still not to certain about this food that I have been on for the longest. I like most of it, but some of it is just down right yucky and I refuse to eat it. AND we are getting stinky goodness ONLY in the morning!!!!! It is just terrible! If I don't like the mornings stinky goodness, and I am not overly fond of the dry, well, I practically starve to death some days!!! I am forced to eat one of those foods that I don't absolutely adore! I don't know how much longer I can remain in these conditions! What in the world is a mancat to do?


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Meezer Tuesday

We got Meowm all healed up! She was purrty miserable....aching everywhere and having a fever. She only nibbled on some crackers, and drank Gatorade. We sat on her, or near her,and kept her warm while we all napped. It was nice having her home, but we are glad she is better. She is sometimes cranky enough without being sick. ;)

I have been enjoying my red sparkle ball lately! I mostly play with it in the human litterbox room. Meowm chuckles at me! I slip around on the rugs in there and fish my sprakle ball out from underneath this little rolling cabinet Meowm has. I have been playing so hard with the sparkle ball, that little bits of it are falling out! It is like little pieces of red tinsel everywhere. Meowm really needs to get some pictures, and a video!!! I will put her to work on that this week!~~~~~~Junior

Thursday, September 02, 2010

We're here........

We are here...we have been being Nurses. Meowm got visited by the Flu and so we have been taking care of her.