Friday, August 29, 2008

Friends Friday

Meowm got to meet a friend face to face for the first time on Wednesday. She left work early and drove to a place called Idaho Falls to meet up with the guy she wrote to during Desert Storm. She was incredibly happy to finally be able to meet him!

I , on the other hand, was not happy that she was gone overnight...and I showed her how unhappy I was by yakking up a nice big mess for her to clean! When Orion crawled in her lap last night......and she accidentally brushed against MY tummy.....I bit her! That will teach her!!!! My brother was no help in teaching her a lesson....he could hardly wait to get into her lap.......he is such a Meowms boy!

Everyone have a GREAT weekend!!

*****Since you asked Jeter*****

Meowm here: Yes this was the first time we had met face to face. I lost touch with him after Desert Storm ended..then around the time of 9-11 I ran across his letters and started wondering how he was doing. I called the base he was stationed at during Desert Storm and they directed me to the "National Locator" base. From there they figured out what his rank would have been at the time and found a guy who matched. I had to send a SASE and a letter explaining what I was asking for. then they sent me the address to the base he was currently at. So I sent a letter to him at that base, not knowing if I for certain had the correct guy. It turns out I did and we have been emailing fairly regularly since 2001. We exchanged pictures and have had a few phone calls, but he is on the East Coast, and I am in Utah so getting together didn't work out to well. He was as close as Las Vegas one time, but that is still 7 hours away. We were chatting the other day and I learned he would be in Idaho Falls and that is 3 hours away, so we decided to meet. I didn't know when, or if, we would get this chance again. So I took some time off from work, drove up on Wednesday and arrived around 3, and left there at 9 the next morning. It wasn't a long visit but at least we finally got to meet face to face. It was wonderful to see him and get to sit down and chat with him. He really is quite an amazing man, very nice and gentlemanly toward me. It is one of the moments in life that I will treasure forever!

****and there you have it Jeter. If you have any questions feel free to email me at juniorbabeeAThotmailDOTcom.****


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We are also

Almost Wordless Wednesday

The chiropractor was able to help Meowm a bit. She may return to him or go get a good massage. Thanks for all the well wishes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuckered out Tuesday

Not us....we aren't anymoer tuckered out than is usual for a cat. But Meowm, her age is starting to show and her body is having troubles....her shoulder is hurted and she didn't sleep very well. She hasn't slept very well since Friday she is tuckered out. She say she is going to her chiropractor so hopefully he can get her all fixed up. We don't want Meowm hurting anymore.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Not the Mama Monday and Mancat Monday

Not the Mama takes in so many kitties, nurses them to health and finds them good homes, so this award has been created for him! Good job Not the Mama!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Warning!!

We don't normally post on Saturday but we just read a story...a sad story. YOu can find the story here:

This woofie had a toy that is bad and it caused his tongue to be irreparably damaged. Please read the story, boycott the product and let all your friends know about this terrible product.

Thank you.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday, Friday, Friday!!!!!!

We are gonna play and play and play this weekend!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Needs" meme

We have seen this one around the blogosphere and decided to play!

Junior Needs:

~a vet--NO I DO NOT!!!!

~a spanking--I don't need one of these either, I am a good boy!

~a good home--have one thank you very much!

~help with wire removal in flame--huh? leave my flames alone!!

~a nosewipe--my nose is wiping needed!!

~to go fishing--sounds fun to me!

~a $350 IPOD--now what would I do with one of those!!?? What is an IPOD??

Orion needs:

~your prayers--not at this time I don't.

~a known bugs list--why in the world do I need this? I will just eat those bugs....

~~That is all that was listed for me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stressed Tuesday

Meowm is stressed and wants to be on a tropical island doing what I am currently doing.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Tribute for Sprout

WOO HOO!!! Friday!!!

Time to hang out with Meowm!!!!!!!!!!! We hope everyone has a great weekend! We will be thinking of MontyQ and his family.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another good kitty crosses the bridge.

Rest in Peace Felix.

**picture taken from Whiskers and Purrs**

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tail and Toes Tuesday

Meowm loves our toes and tails! Actually she just loves us!

**click to bigify!**

Monday, August 11, 2008

Good bye little Sprout

Monty Q's baby bean Violette Noelle crossed over. Please go leave them some kind thoughts.

Friday, August 08, 2008

We sure do look alot alike......

This picture is me, Orion.

And this picture is me, Junior.

It can be hard to tell us apart in our pictures. Even Meowm has trouble sometimes. But in real life it is much eaiser. Plus, I, Junior, am not a lap cat. My brother on the other hand is very happy to curl up in Meowms lap or next to it.

Orion here, it's true! I love laps! My brother prefers to sleep or hangout most anywhere else. Meowm says he has only snuggled with her once since he adopted her. Me, on the other hand, has snuggled with her tons of times since I adopted her!

We will get Meowm to label the pictures in the future so it is easier to tell who is who.

Junior and Orion


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

We can't forget NOMS day!

We asked Tatum Tot Spice ( to be our NOMS friend. We just barely asked, but we are almost certain she will say yes, so we are posting about her. Tatum is a smooth sable collie and she is purrty! Meowm got to meet her a few weeks ago. She likes to bite beans on the butt! And she likes to play flyball! She has 5 brothers and sisters! That is a big family! You should go over and visit her!

****if you scroll down a bit, there is another post for today****

Nap Day!

Yep, this is what I am doing today......ALL day!!!


Monday, August 04, 2008

Marmalade Monday

Hey everykitty!

We had a great weekend! Meowm hug out with us Friday night. We played and she petted on us, and we played some more! It was wonderful.

Meowm was up early Saturday, but that wasn't a saved me the trouble of waking her to feed me. Then she up and disappeared for a few hours. She came back all sweaty and stinky, but she brought food back so I didn't give her to hard a time about her smell. She said she had gone for a good walk, and that is why she was stinky.

On Sunday she was up early again!!!! Weird! When she got back on Sunday she was very red on her face and arms. She said something about going in a Mini Rally and her friends Mini is a convertible. I have no idea what these things are, but I do like laying next to her arms a lot right now. There is extra heat coming off of them and it feels good to me!

We napped a lot, watched the birdies in the giant window, napped with Meowm and wrassled. It was a great weekend!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Fangfully Friday
