We sure do look alot alike......

This picture is me, Orion.

And this picture is me, Junior.
It can be hard to tell us apart in our pictures. Even Meowm has trouble sometimes. But in real life it is much eaiser. Plus, I, Junior, am not a lap cat. My brother on the other hand is very happy to curl up in Meowms lap or next to it.
Orion here, it's true! I love laps! My brother prefers to sleep or hangout most anywhere else. Meowm says he has only snuggled with her once since he adopted her. Me, on the other hand, has snuggled with her tons of times since I adopted her!
We will get Meowm to label the pictures in the future so it is easier to tell who is who.
Junior and Orion
Labels: Meowm had to re-do this cause she had us labeled wrong the first time
Yep, you two fellas do look a lot alike.
Junior, I'm like you in that I am not a lap cat...I don't like to snuggle with anyone, unless they're sound asleep first. My people keep telling me that I don't know what I'm missing.
Oh I'm happy I can tell the difference! I will admit that it is hard but I saw Orion in the lap and knew that was not Junior. Plus, those white paws too.
(Tell your mom not to worry! My humans won't be back until the 17th anyway. :) )
Sometimes I get a little confused, but I think Junior is more creamsicle-ier, and Orion is more tabbier.
Purrrty pictors.
Luf, Us
Daisy, dats a good obsurvashun...
Jr you duz looks creamy.
and Orion luks a bit tabbier. You iz both purrtee boys!
I like lappees like Orion, but Bootsie dont know how ta do dat. When she fees lovinglee she duz a cutsie full Monty, rolls around on da floor and lets Mawmee luv her tummy.
Tanks fur commentin on Bootsie and Meze Monty Q's. Glads you liked dem. I tell Bootsie you liked how cute she iz. Shez shy and dont gets on da pootur too much.
Stops by our site and you kin gets our Daisy May Wacky Award foto ifns you like!
Daisy May and Katie Kitty Too.
hi junior and orion, nice to meet you both and you're right you do look exactly the same!
look forward to reading about you
This is Ninna: I can tell which one you are, Junior, always! :)
wow, you're nice to let orion be on your bloggie so much!
Mom has a nice blending of lap cats and not with all of us. There is always someone around to sit in a lap if that is what she want or someone to cuddle. We have to admit tho that as we've gotten older, we are less likely to cuddle as we are usually sleeping somewhere and don't like to be disturbed.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
You asked about the pigmentation in my eye. It doesn't affect my sight at all. It is kind of like my iris has a freckle. It's there and it looks cool, but the only time I notice it, is when I look in a mirror.
Miss Jade
Junior, Orion & Meowm, thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to visit me and caring about me. I didn't even know there was such a think as kind, loving beans and kitties! Your love is keeping me warm and comfortable over my weekend at the vet hospital.
Your new friend,
Mr. Milky
You do look quite alike, but I think I can tell the difference. I am a snuggly lap cat myself. And when I am on a lap there is not much room left, heh heh.
Thank you for your kind words for our Frieda! It comfort us a lot to receive so much sympathy!
We built Frieda a nice place in the garden where the cats are crossing every day!
I have to agree with Daisy, Junior you do look more like a creamsicle. Right now Mom wishes I wasn't such a lap kitty. She is having trouble typing this cause I'm sitting on her lap. Well doggone, I do have to help visit from MY site don't I?? Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between you and Orion. Guess it depends on how the picture is taken.
I always recognize you dearest Junior! Orion is a nice kitty, but you are the BOSS cat in my book. I love how kind you are in this kitty community. I am so proud of you! You always make me smile!
I love you...Miss Peach
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