Talking it Through Thursday
Emily: Meowm why has my royal throne not been returned to the top of the refrigerator? You know that is where I eat and that I go hide in the cabinets above it sometimes!
Meowm: I know Emily, but we had to get a new refrigerator and it is taller than the old one.
Emily: So? There is still plenty of room up there for my throne and my foods. I heard you say this refrigerator is deeper so it sounds like I have more room up there now.
Meowm: There would be more room Emmy, but since it is taller you would have a tough time getting up and down from there. You might be able to get up and down from there, but you are an older cat and I don't want your joints getting hurt.
Emily: Well that is sweet of you Meowm. I will disregard the fact that you said I am older. Who the heck thought we needed this big of a refrigerator?
Meowm: I have no idea Emily. I am just glad this one doesn't both freeze and melt things at the same time.
Emily: Well that has nothing to do with me or my foods, but I guess since you bring home the bacon, I will let this refrigerator stay. I will search for a new proper throne.
Meowm: Thank you Emily. There might be a purrfect throne for you coming in the mail.
Emily: Really Meowm? Will it arrive soon?
Meowm: I hope so Emily, and I hope you like it and don't have to fight the boys off of it.
Emily: Hmph! those boys better stay away from my throne!!!