The lady that helps Meowm with the outdoor kitties came over last night. Her and Meowm set up some traps and caught one of the kittens on the porch. Then they had to catch the other one themselves. They came in the apartment, inside the traps, and Meowm re-arranged the covers on the traps so they could see each other. Then the lady and Meowm waited for other cats to wander into the traps. Well, 11 o'clock rolled around and no other cat had taken the bait, so Meowm and the lady packed up t he traps, and the two kittens and off the lady went. She is going to keep the two kittens and see if they can be tamed. She doesn't think they are big enough to be spayed/neutered, so she has some time to work with them. If she can get them tamed, they will be spayed/neutered and then put into a rescue and found homes for. If they can't be tamed, they will be spayed/neutered and brought back to our place. So, let's all purr for them to be tamed and find great homes. Unfortunately, Meowm did not get any pictures of them, so we can't share them with you. But there was a black one and a tuxie one.
I behaved admirably while the kittens were in my house. I don't appreciate other kittens being brought into my home, and the last time Meowm did this, I showed her my displeasure by peeing on the big bed. She was a bit worreid I might do that last night, so she made sure to show me that the kittens were gone and she reassured me that she loved me and no other kitties would be coming to live with us. So, I was happy and didn't pee on the big bed, or anywhere else I shouldn't.
I sure hope we go back to being our calm little place for awhile though!