Meezer Rule Wednesday

A meezer (anycat really) must always protect his (or her) home from intruders.
I have been keeping watch at the big sliding window for intruders. I have caught THREE intruders so far. I puff up my fur and give them the evil glare. I haven't been growling at them cause I feel like the puffy fur and evil glare are sufficient measures to scare the intruders. I also jump at them, but unfortunately I can't actually get them since the windows are in the way......but I know they are still scared!
Thank you to everyone for the wishes for Meowm to feel better. She does feel better and Tuesday was a much better day than Monday! She also may have a new job!!!! I will talk about that more if it actually happens!
Okay, I am off to keep watch again!
You are a great protector~!!!
I am sure your family members will feel safe by your guarding~!
What a great job for such a manly meezer cat Junior!
Purr!!!! I really really hope your mom gets her new jobby! Protection is key!
Junior, you are a very good protector cat! I think puffing up the furs should give a strong message that you are NOT to be messed with.
Crossing my paws for your mom and the new job!
That is a very important rule.
Dat's what we do best - guarding from da evil introoders. MEERROOWWW.
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