That giant tub of water

But there are other things that I find interesting in there. There is something invisible that makes the water move around. I tried to catch it last night, but my efforts went unrewarded. All I got was wet feet!
Two Meezers, one an Angel, with some Orinch Meniss, and a sweet little Cow Kitty girl.
Junior, that looks like fun, but be carefull and not to fallz in. Pounce and me like playing in the shower when meowmize and the dadz getz out.- Sia from Katnippia
Oh don't fall! Georgia fell once.
Hmmmm, maybe it's the same thing that makes the water move in my new drinking fountain. I think there's magic in it!
after the big water goes away, get in there and lick up the rest. then stare down the drain. that's what I do.
oh oh oh, the toes are fun, speshuall when they come up from unner the bubbles. - Sammy
Junior ... Nice buns you have. I don't suggest divin' after those toes. They're slippery and you'll only get very, very wet.
DaisyMae Maus
Crinkle loves getting in the tub. He doesn't care if his feet get wet as long as his tummy stays dry.
Isn't it nice and warm by the edge of a tub? My sisters suddenly appear out of nowhere when my mom takes a bath! You look cute!
I actually get a bath in the tub, once a week. It's not fun, but my tongue can't get rid of all the oil on my skin (since I don't have any fur for the oil to penetrate) so I need the bath to stay healthy.
Junior be careful!!!! If ya slips then yu'll get more than jus' wet feets!!!!
I've always heard you talking about this "bath" thing and I've never seen it. Meowmy has never taken a bath since I've known her.
Wet feet? Ya shoulda put the bitey on the toes if you're gonna get wet feet anyway!
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