That little flashy box again!

Meowm! Put that thing away! You played with me and now I want to rest!
I actually helped Meowm make something called Chili last night. It smelled kinda good, but I don't think I want to try any. I sat on the counter by the sink and kept her company while she cooked and I made sure she washed the dishes real good! After all that was over we played! I was so happy!!!!!!
Meowm says she is done with the nasty stuff at work so she shouldn't have to bring anymore work home! WOO HOO!! I'm gonna have to make her get that furry boa thing out tonite!
I'm gonna go nap now! I gotta have plenty of energy to play tonite!
Have a furry good nap Junior! I'm glad your mommy will be able to play with you a lot!
Hi Junior! I hope you haf a good nap. Why do mommys always bring the flashy box out when we're trying to sleep??
It is cool you haf a furry boa! Did you get to play with it? I'd love to see pictures!
Enjoy your playtime! Humans can be so fickle
Did the snow force your Meowm to stay inside? I want my Mewomy to stay home. I really need a good snuggle right now. I have to wait for her to come home for my VET's appointment so I think I'll take a nap in my Millie Bed.
We really love your flaming Millie bed. Have a nice nap.
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