Friday, August 28, 2009

Finally Friday!!!!!

Even though we had Meowm home for a portion of this week, we are very happy it is Friday, cause we get her for the weekend. As much as we want her here, we think she wants to be here even more than that. She had a very hard time getting out of bed this morning and we heard her say that all she wants to do is lay down and rest more. We think we will be purring more on her this weekend.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

We're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everybody! We are back! Meowm is feeling like she is going to survive now. For those that were wondering, Meowm had some cysts removed at the human v-e-t and then had some minor complications. She has mostly been very uncomfortable and in pain, but things are finally getting better. Thank you all for you kind words. We did purr on her alot and she says it has helped her. We can' wait to get caught up and visit with everyone!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Meezer and Marmalade Monday

We missed last Friday cause Meowm was at the human v-e-t, she came home with some stitches!!!!! She is still hurting a bit so we won't be around much yet.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Award Thursday

Loki gave us this "your Blog is Satin" award the other day. We were remiss in our visits and didn't discover it till yesterday. Thanks Loki!!!!!

The rules are: List 5 details (things, people, features) that make your life “satin” (translates also as “shiny” or “good”). Pass on to 5 other bloggers.

1. We have a Meowm who loves us (even if she does kick us off the big bed sometimes).
2. We get plenty of food and treats.
3. We have a wonderful roof over our heads.
4. We get visited by BTL and our Sitter.
5. Our Grandparents are coming for a visit soon!

We will pass this award on to:

1. Martha and Bailey
2. Honey
3. Tripper
4. Cory Cat Family
5. Angus

And now, a couple of pictures of us.....just cause Meowm loves these pictures:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tattletale Tuesday

Meowm almost brought this home yesterday:

She couldn't even tell for certain if this mini meezer was a girl or a boy. She did think that this baby is a Seal Point. One of the ladies she works with brought this mini meezer in as the baby was left on her porch. Meowm really would have liked to have brought mini meezer home, but sanity stayed in tact and she left mini meezer with the lady. No worries, mini meezer has a home with the lady, she just htought if someone else took mini meezer, someone with no dogs in their home, it would be easier. But the lady will integrate slowly, so mini meezer is safe.

Ok, one more picture:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Meezer and Marmalade Monday

It started out nice enough.....

And then things started going differently....

Ending like this.

And then we took off for a nice round of THoE.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Thank goodness it's Friday!!!!!

Meowm is very glad it is Friday!!! She is volunteering for the Four Legged Food Drive tomorrow. Maybe she will take that flashy box thing and get some pictures of four legged critters!!

And we have a surprise for Monday!

As to the Bad Boy Kitty. We can't take him in, we don't have the space or the money for another kitty's vet care. But Meowm does feed him and some others, and if they were hurt she would do her best to get them taken care of. But it does break her heart to see them out there with no homes. Oh, and the Bad Boy Kitty and one she calls Squeaky will let her pet them.

We can't stand it! We has to show you a sneak peek at the surprise!

*sniff, sniff* *knock, knock* Anyone out there today? Do you still love us?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The bad boy on our porch!

Orion: this is the bad boy that comes to our porch and eats.

Junior: He also comes ot our porch and marks it.

Orion: And my brother doesn't like that.

Junior: No, I don't like it!!!!! I try to attack him, but the window is in the way.

Orion: Yep, it is!

Junior: I am certain that makes the bad boy laugh. Then he just marks, cause he knows I can't do anything about it, and walks away.

Orion: Yep, but we have a better life than him.

Junior: Yes, we do, and that is why I don't break thru the screen sometimes and let him have it!!!

Orion: **laughing behind paw** Yes, that is why you don't do that. **Whispers behind paw** Never mind that Meowm hardly opens the door wide enough for either one of us to get out the screen.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not so Wordless Wednesday and We Haz a Sad

We are going to be having some raffles to help out some needy kitties, so we have added a Paypal button below our profile. Keep visiting for some wonderful raffle goodies!

(Meowm is excited to have a Paypal account, she thought she had to have a credit card for it, but it turns out you don't).

We haz a sad cause we just read that Charlie Taylor crossed the bridge. We have tried to upload a nice image of him, but it isn't working. Please go leave some purrs for the family.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tabby Tuesday

I'm here! Meowm has been handling some issues this morning so she just barely got around to helping me blog. What I wouldn't give for opposable thumbs so I didn't have to rely on her for help with this!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Meezer Monday

"The thing about cats, as you may find, is that no one knows what they have in mind."~John Ciardi

Saturday, August 08, 2009

World Cat Day

We kitties are magnificent!!!! And there are lots of other magnificent let's all purr today for all animals to be treated better, to find great homes and to just have better lives all the way around!!!

Friday, August 07, 2009


Time for some fun and relaxation with Meowm this weekend!!!!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today we are thankful for:

1. A warm/cool home. We watch those outside kitties, they have it rough putting up with the elements all year round.

2. Plenty of food to eat. Again, the outside kitties have to forage, even though Meowm feeds them, we know it isn't enough to truly fill their bellies and give them the nutrition they need.

3. Lots of toys to play with. We are certain the outdoor kitties play, but they don't know what to do with toys. Meowm put a couple out for them one time and they just sniffed them and left them alone.

4. Of course we are very thankful for our Meowm!!!

5. All of our generous kitty and woofie blogging friends. We hope we don't ever need your assistance, but we are glad to know you are out there and willing to help if you can.

6. Even if we don't always say it, we are thankful for our military. We are free because of them.

7. We are very glad Meowm has a job. And we are glad that our bean Uncle has a great prospect for a job right now. Let's all purr for everyone that needs a job to get one!

8. Even though we get on each others nerves, we are thankful that we have each is good to have someone to keep you company.

9. We are thankful for all the beans out there who fight on a day to day basis to take care of us animals. To take care of the abandoned, beaten, abused and to put those behind bars who do these wrongs to us.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Tabby Tuesday

"Dogs are externally grateful that humans exist. Cats, however, are simply mildly appreciative."~Carl Brizzi

Monday, August 03, 2009

Meezer Monday

"If stretching were wealth, the cat would be rich."~African proverb