Today we are thankful for:
1. A warm/cool home. We watch those outside kitties, they have it rough putting up with the elements all year round.
2. Plenty of food to eat. Again, the outside kitties have to forage, even though Meowm feeds them, we know it isn't enough to truly fill their bellies and give them the nutrition they need.
3. Lots of toys to play with. We are certain the outdoor kitties play, but they don't know what to do with toys. Meowm put a couple out for them one time and they just sniffed them and left them alone.
4. Of course we are very thankful for our Meowm!!!
5. All of our generous kitty and woofie blogging friends. We hope we don't ever need your assistance, but we are glad to know you are out there and willing to help if you can.
6. Even if we don't always say it, we are thankful for our military. We are free because of them.
7. We are very glad Meowm has a job. And we are glad that our bean Uncle has a great prospect for a job right now. Let's all purr for everyone that needs a job to get one!
8. Even though we get on each others nerves, we are thankful that we have each other....it is good to have someone to keep you company.
9. We are thankful for all the beans out there who fight on a day to day basis to take care of us animals. To take care of the abandoned, beaten, abused and to put those behind bars who do these wrongs to us.