Thank goodness it's Friday!!!!!
Meowm is very glad it is Friday!!! She is volunteering for the Four Legged Food Drive tomorrow. Maybe she will take that flashy box thing and get some pictures of four legged critters!!
And we have a surprise for Monday!
As to the Bad Boy Kitty. We can't take him in, we don't have the space or the money for another kitty's vet care. But Meowm does feed him and some others, and if they were hurt she would do her best to get them taken care of. But it does break her heart to see them out there with no homes. Oh, and the Bad Boy Kitty and one she calls Squeaky will let her pet them.
We can't stand it! We has to show you a sneak peek at the surprise!

*sniff, sniff* *knock, knock* Anyone out there today? Do you still love us?
we unnerstands about bad boy kitty and the others. we all does our bestest and sometimes we feels bad that it's not enough, but it is our bestest and that's all we can do! but your mom is a real hero to those kitties for gifing them foods to YAY to your mom!
we can't wait for Monday!
Junior and Orion, we also understand that your Meowm can't take Bad Boy Kitty in, but it is so sweet of her that she feeds him and the other kitties. It would take all sorts of tests just to make sure he was okay to bring in, but then it would rock both of your worlds and would cost lots of green papers. It is just a darn shame that these kitties have been put in this position by uncaring beans, because that is how it all starts out. Please give your Meowm hugs from us for caring so much.
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Nanny would probably do the same. It to bad that humans cannot take responsibility. We fell strongly about if you adopted pets, we keep them until the end. But we also understand it not always possible. We donate money recently to help out kitties who are out there!
Your mommy has a great heart you guys should be very proud of her!
Happy Friday to you both. I am glad it is Friday too, as is mum. It has been one heck of a week. You tell that bad boy to go find another territory!
Furry khool your Meowm is helping out tomorrow!
It is International Homeless Pets Day!
That terrybull tha way people dump thems wonnerful pets.
You's gotted a furry sweet Mommy.
What ever is that surprise?
Tha fabric or paper is grrreat.
Love & Purrs,
I am quite looking forward to what is going on.... hmm..
Cants wait fur dis suprize!
n we iz purrin fur dems kitties dat showed ups deys nots too bad. wish we coods help u luf dem.
Katie Too
We know that taking in another kitty is very hard, complicated and expensive! It is very nice of your Mom to feed the Bad Kitty Boy and Squeaky and the others.
Poor Bad Boy kitty. Your mommy is a very kind soul for feeding him. He can always be your forcefield brother!
And of course we still love you! How could we not?
We understand your meowm cant take in all the cats!!
There would be too many but we know she does her best to help.
We are also very pleased to get to Friday this week!
Good luck with the four legged food drive - we look forward to hearing all about it!
Martha & Bailey xxx
We unnerstand about Bad can't take in every cat that shows up...but at least your mom is feeding him and watching out for him and the others...that's as for that sneak peek...looks like something really inneresting...we can't wait to see it all!
Your mom is an angel to care about homeless kitties like she does. It's so hard to watch our loving humans want so much to welcome them all into their homes, but not be able to. But what she's doing is saving their lives and being a miracle for them, being their guardian angel, and that's wonderful!
Hugs & Purrs,
Rocky & staff
You know people were probably slow coming to this post because for some reason it didn't who up in google until Saturday. I think google is having a few problems that last few days...
What yoor mom is doing fur dem homeless kitties it good. Our mom wishes she could take in alla dem too but it's to expensive and we just don't haf da room either.
It's hard to watch strays and not want to take them all in, same with kitties in shelters and rescue places. All the beans have big hearts but reality doesn't allow them to do what they want sometimes. :( It's good that your mom is able to feed them, though, and show a little love to them when they let her.
Oooh, we're wondering about that collage graphic! Can't wait to find out what the surprise is!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
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