Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Meezer Monday
I put on my crazy pants last night and kept Meowm awake half the night. She finally gave up about 1:30 this morning, tossed me and my brofur Orion out of the bedroom and kept the hisser, Junior, in there with her. It was so much fun till then. Well, we might have had fun after we were tossed out, but I am not telling one way or the other!
Speaking of the hisser, Junior. Meowm is about ready to haul him off to the v-e-t again, just to make sure there isn't something else going on that is making him wear his grouchy pants. She knows he needs a dental, and was going to wait till the end of October, but she is thinking it may have to happen soooner. We will keep you updated on that.
Orion is my cool brofur. He likes to play with me, but he still tries to dominate Hisser Junior sometimes, and that is not helping the situation.
That is all for now! Every one have a great week!