Meezer and Marmalade Monday

Junior: Well, you all know about the cat who has come in to my home. I don't think he would mind taking over....if he gets a chance. I have hissed at him more than once...and other times I just look at him. I have even talked to him a little bit...although it was through a door. I don't know if I like him yet. I have been made to suffer being locked up in the human litterbox room while he is allowed to wander all over MY home!
Orion: I am still here with the Lady and that other cat. I have hissed at that other cat a few times. There were a couple of extra beans here the other night. They both oohed and ahhed over me. Then one of them and the Lady gave me a bath....I guess they figured I wasn't doing so well on my own. I have been out wandering around a few times and I haven't had to worry about the other cat those times, cause he gets put in the room I am usually in. I have been spending other time outside of that room, but it is usually in that thing called a PTU. At least I am around other breathing beings during that time. I also get to be out of the room during the night, but again I am in that thing called a PTU. I like this place, but I am not sure I like that other cat.
Meowm: So as you can see by the picture (although it isn't the greatest picture) Junior and Orion have been around each other. Granted there is a plastic wall between them. They do both indeed hiss at each other from time to time, but there hasn't been any paws flying.
Orion had blood in his poo the other morning, so he is on an antibiotic to be safe and some tests are being run. I will be glad when he gets used to regular cat food....otherwise the hair in my nostrils may be singed out due to the aroma.
He is quite a love bug. He rubs all over anyone in his path and loves to be petted. He continues to be vocal when he is in the bathroom, but when he is out here with us, he is quite calm. I still really wish I had a spare room for him to roam around in. He still needs some more cleaning, but the bath at least stimulated him to start cleaning himself a bit.
I haven't decided yet what I am going to do with him. My Mom urged me to do all that I could to find him a good home with someone else. I understand where she is coming from. One thing is for certain...if he stays here I will have to stop feeding the outdoor cats. I haven't spoke to any of the rescues yet and I have yet to see if anyone at work would want him. I will keep you all informed of what happens.
Thank you all for your suggestions, thoughts and purrayers. Please keep them stress level is still high.....I can tell cause I don't want to quit eating sweets.
Orion is a very lucky cat to have found your mom Junior. I do hope that things work out for him to find his perfect forever home, wherever it is!
I'm with Chey! I'm sure everything will become clear and all will work out for the best.
Ninna wants me to say she's missing you, Junior!
Your Mom is the best, Junior. She may need a nose hair transplant though.
It is nice that you guys haven't resorted to any blatant attacks. Hissing is OK.
~Shade and Goldie
Maybe he would be a fun friend to have. You could do lots more fun things with a partner in crime.
Junior, your mom is a wonderful, incredible individual. Please try to be patient while she figures out what to do with Orion.
We are sure Orion will find a wonderful Forever Home!
Whatever happens with Orion will be much, much better than what would have happened had your mom not rescued him. Junior, you look very relaxed in that picture. Even though you hissed a few times, if you were really stressed out you would not be able to sleep so close to him.
Junior, your Meowm is a very good person for wanting to take care of other cats. You really should not hiss at him like that...he needs loving from a human, too. Like Daisy, said, you must not really be all that stressed - you sure look content napping there like that!
Junior, you and Orion are very lucky to have your mom in your life. We are purring and purraying. We hope her stress level gets reduced soon. (((hugs)))
Oh, poor Orion. He just needs a home.
We'll start purrin' for him right away!
The Crew
We hope Orion finds a good home. He looks like a very pretty and sweet kitty!
Fancy tail too :-)
Oh yes. Sweets in times of stress. Or any other times will work also. Good job of getting the 2 boys used to each other. Sorry to hear about Orion's malodorous poos.
Who will feed the outdoor cats if you don't?
We're sending pawsitive vibes for things to work out in whatever way they are supposed to.
Luf, Us
I really hope Orion could have a love forever home just like Junior has~!!!
We are hoping Orion gets well soon, it's hard work looking after all those cats at the same time. FAZ
Oh, I do hope things work out for you all. If your Meowm could find a way to keep Orion I'm sure you would get to like him Junior, he seems such a nice kitty:) xxx
P.S. The word thing spells "gutchr". That's almost like "gotcha" if you say it. Perhaps this could be a favourable omen?!
We are glad to hear that Orion is doing well and you guys kinda get along. We hope your bean is able to find him the purrfect furrever home.
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