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HI! I am new here. The lady calls me Orion. I was living around all that cardboard stuff. Some ladies fed me some stuff called tuna one night and then the next night I am at this ladies house. There is another cat here and he hissed at me.
The lady took me to a place that I have a memory of.....she called it the v-e-t. This lady in a white coat looked in my mouth and poked something in my rear...I hated that! She picked me up and took me away and poked a sharp thing in me and some red stuff came out. Then the lady in the white coat took me back to the lady I am staying with. I was at this place for awhile, then we had to go back to the
v-e-t. They poked on me some more and gave me some medicine. Now I am back at this place the lady calls home. I don't know how long I will be here, but I have a warm, comfy place to sleep and plenty of food and water. I think I have a place to poo, but I haven't used it yet. The lady comes in and visits me and pets me and then she has to go back out of this room. I hope that other cat learns to like me.
Meowm here....Orion is the kitty Junior and I talked about yesterday. The v-e-t says that she thinks he is around 2 years old and in pretty good health. He weighs about 10 pounds and really needs a good bath. But that will have to wait till he gets settled. Actually, that may have to be done professionally. ;) Our second visit to the vet was to get worm medicine. Orion can be quite a loud talker, so I hope we pass quiet nights so my neighbors don't complain. Junior is sitting about 4 feet from the bathroom door, keeping watch. I bought a Feliway dispenser...so I hope that keeps everyone calm. I have no idea what I am going to do with Orion. If I keep him, I need a $300 deposit and it is another $20 a month in rent. Not to mention more food, litter and vet fees. I don't know if him and Junior will get along. I am going to check with some rescues today to see if they have room for him. I am going to be picky about what rescue he goes to. He is a very loving cat....likes to rub all over you and loves to be petted....along with being vocal. Since he is front paw declawed I want him to go to a home that will keep him indoors. I know once he is out of my hands I won't be able to monitor him, so I will pray my heart out for a good place for him. I guess I wil try fostering him till a place can be found, if that is what a rescue needs. He is used to me and he needs to say in isolation till the worm medicine does its work. And then we will have to see how him and Juior take to each other. I am incredibly nervous about all of this, so any suggestions, thoughts, prayers will be greatly appreciated.
Luxie's mom here:
Isn't there something like a Feliway dispenser for we beans? I know I could use one sometimes! :) I think it's great that you've taken Orion in. It sounds like your fostering idea is a good one, and then if things work out well, you can take if from there ... ? I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way that things go smoothly.
I am glad that you managed to catch Orion and get him to the vet. A declawed kitty has a really tough time of it on his own. I hope you find a good home for him.
I am so glad you take Orion to the vet, that is very very kind and nice of you.
You are doing very taugh care to him, and I wish you will find a great home for him~~
Junior's mom, thank you for taking care of Orion. We hope he gets to stay, but that's a lot of green papers for a deposit and rent (we has to pay rent where we live so mommy keeps saying we haf to get jobbies, but it's no more than when she moved in, becuase she hadded 3 other cats when she moved in here). You will figure out what needs to happen with Orion - and you will make the right decision. In the meantime, we hope that it gets quiet there!
We are purring and purraying for you guys!
I hope you are able to find a wonderful indoor home for Orion!
We noes yoo will fygur owt wat iz best fur Orion an yur fambly. He culdna fownd a nicer lady bean to helps him.
Junior's mom, you are a kitty angel! How wonderful that you rescued Orion. I hope that a good rescue group will be able to take him in and that he finds a wonderful Forever Home. He is very lucky that you took him in!
Orion is a very handsome kitty! I am so glad you were able to capture him and get him some treatment.
My Mommie has noticed at the shelter that there are many people looking for cats who are declawed. So, hopefully Orion will have no trouble finding a Forever home (if he does not stay with you).
Thank you so much for caring for this cute little guy! We will be purring for both Orion and you, that you are able to find him a loving, caring, indoor home!
Oh I like Orion!! Junior, I know you have a hard time with other kitties but I think you should give him a shot, OK? If he's frontpaw declawed he deserves an understanding home (I should know!).
Hello Orion, you seem like a fine feline!
You are in great hands now and I am sure you'll be in another good home soon.
Purrs to you Junior, try not to hiss too much. :)
Hi Orion, nice to meet you. Glad you are healthy.
Hello Orion you have found a furry nice lady to help you out. I hope you find a wonderful forever home.
Hi Junior, Junior's mommy, and Orion. We are so glad that you were able to catch Orion and get him to the vet. We will be purring for you so that the right solution will come to you. We know you will do what is best for everyone involved.
We also wanted to tell you, you were a runner up in our contest. Please contact us at taramorse (AT) aol (DOT) com.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
What a gorgeous kitty! We hope you find him a great home!
We're sending lots of pawsitive thoughts to you, Orion and Junior. It sounds like Orion was once someone's beloved cat. He must be neutered already if he is declawed. Poor guy. If you take the introduction between him and Junior extremely slow, it is much better for all concerned. Transfer something that Junior has slept on into the bathroom, and vice versa so they can each smell each other's scent and get used to it. The feliway diffuser is a great idea. We have them here. Eventually, allow them to check out each other's territory. Then let them look at each other through the door. The slower you take it, the better.
Bless you for rescuing Orion from the outdoors.
Luf, Us
My goodness! Evfurry cat iz gettin' new brudderz & sissiez!! Dis iz good newz Junior. I hopes dat all goez well fur you. Mebbe you should gets some extra tuna too!
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