Okay Meowm enough! It's all about me again!

Now those camera and software people need to figure out how to get rid of green or yellow eye so that you can see my baby blues. Course, Meowm is still learning all the bells and whistles on the new flashy box.
I am still glad to have Meowm home with me. I continue to snuggle with her each night. Course it is when she is asleep, so she isn't aware of it unless she wakes up before I do. I am finding that she is pretty warm and with it getting chilly I kinda like cuddling up to her back or her tummy.
I continue to be tormented by that red dot. I strongly suspect that Meowm has some kind of control over it, but need to investigate further to find out for certain.
Meowm still puts nasty stuff on my mouth at night. She says that I have feline acne and the nasty stuff will help clear it up. I find it hard to believe that I have acne and think she is just doing it to torment me!
Life is pretty mellow at home right now...no new toys...no more strange cats coming in. I'm gonna go take a nap and maybe something exciting will happen tonite!
Gosh, I guess we're pretty lucky we don't have one of those red dot things tormenting us. I don't see one near me, but I do have a light that lives in my bathroom. I like to chanse it in the mornings.
Maxwell Smartkitty
Junior, I had to get treated for acne too. But once I got over it I haven't had to do the treatment since. But mum learned that plastic food and water dishs are not good. They keep the oils that make the problem. So mum gotted hard china dishes that she could put in the dish washer monster. So no more acne.
Oh Georgia had feline acne. It's icky stuff but goes away easily!
Hee hee. My Mom cheats with Paint Shop Pro.
I can still see the lovely blue of your eyes. Momma uses Paint Shop Pro to fix our eyes when they get all ghosty, like that.
Psst...the red dot does have something to do with your Meowm. I've spent years perfecting the hunt of the red dot. Once you figure out its mystery it is even more fun to chase!
Wow Junior! Your eyes look crazy! And btw, you got some nice FB's there! Wow! Click here to look up what FB stands for. Hehee!
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