This kitty is one of the ferals we feed. Well, actually he is semi-feral. Meowm can pet him, and pick him up for a little bit. He comes around because he knows Meowm will give him some stinky goodness.
Earlier in the year, in the cold Winter, this guy had an abcess by his ear. One of Meowms friends took him in her apartment and Meowm just happened to stop by. So Meowm cleaned him up as best as she could and her friend kept him inside for a few hours so he could warm up. Meowm kept an eye on him for the next few weeks to make sure he was okay.
Now this kitty has another abcess on his cheek. His poor face has been so swollen and Meowm has been keeping an eye on him. Tonite he came over for some food and the abcess is finally draining. Meowm was able to squeeze it and get some of the stuff out, but it still needs more attention. Meowm will keep an eye on him to see how he does.
The reason she is so angry is because, supposedly, this kitty has a home. However, they don't let him in, they didn't neuter him and they sure don't take care of him. If his home is where she thinks it is, well they put out some food and water, but it is free reign to any cat that comes along. and they don't keep track of it in the Winter and his food and water freeze! She is glad other cats get food, but if this kitty belongs to those people they need to take care of him!
Meowm went ahead and had him neutered, even knowing that he might belong to someone. Tonite she went over to their place and was going to talk to them, but no one was there. She went by there last night and no one was there.
Meowm is just so very frustrated at people who don't take care of their animals. She has watched this sweet boy go from being a good weight and now he is skinnier than in this picture. It is one thing to have to watch the feral cats get that way, but entirely another seeing a cat get that way that supposedly has a home!
Meowm would like to find him a loving home, but she doesn't know if he would be able to stand being in a house now. And he sprayed alot before he was neutered, and she doesn't know if he still is doing that or not. If she had a spare room she would take him in for a bit to see how he handled it. She knows that he didn't like being inside her friends place, but maybe with time he could get used to it. Even if he was an indoor/outdoor kitty with a loving family he would be in a better place than he is now.
For now all she can do is keep an eye on him, feed him when he comes around and give him as much love as possible.
Will you all please purr for him to get better and to fatten up a bit? Meowms friend has been calling him Sammy, so we will use that name for him. Please purr for Sammy. Thank you!