The kitties below are the ones that live with Grandmeowm and Grandpaw. Does that make them our cousins?
The below kitty is Terrorist. Yep, you read right, Terrorist. He is named that because when he arrived as a kitten he got into everything! Climbed on everything and knocked stuff off of places! He wasn't so much a whapinator as just a this stuff is in my waynator. He has two little kinks in his tail, and the nasty v-e-t asked Grandmeowm if she wanted his tail removed because of those. Well, as you can see, she told him no and Terrorist still has his tail full of character.
Next is Bud. We don't know why he is named Bud. He was wandering around the neighborhood and adopted Grandmeowm and Grandpaw. We do have to say, he is more Grandpaws cat than Grandmeowms. He is a bit spooky, and Meowm can't get very close to him when she goes home.
This is Puff. She is named Puff cause she liked to play with the Puff tissues that beans use to blow their noses. She is kind of spooky to, but Meowm was able to pet her more this last time she was home. Grandmeowm and Grandpaw had another kitty the color of Puff, but he crossed the bridge. Grandmeowm saw these kitties up for adoption not too long after that, and there was this gray kitty....Grandmeowm had to have her, so Puff came to her new furever home.
So those are our current family members. We hope you enjoyed meeting them.