Friday!!! WOO HOO!!!

It seems like it has been forever since the last Friday! I am so looking forward to having Meowm around again! If I had my way she would only go the the j-o-b...maybe three times a week.
Orion got in trouble last night for eating my stinky goodness. Meowm put him the the human litterbox room and left him there for what Meowm says was about 15 minutes. He meowed so pitifully you would think he had been in there all day! I did go keep him company...there was just a door between us. Later, when Meowm was getting ready for bed he jumped up there and started digging. Well, Meowm is generally no fool, and she remembered last time he did that, so she swatted him on the butt. He ran, Meowm followed and sure enough, he was in the litterbox. He was gonna pee on our big bed again!!!!!!! What a dope! I am sure glad I don't do those things!
Next thing....we were running around playing thundering herd of elephants and wrassling. We kept bumping into things while we were wrassling...and one of us was merowing and, well, kind of whining. I believe it was me getting the better of Orion this time, and he didn't like it. Meowm was tired of all the racket and squirted both of us with the water! I can't believe she did that to ME!!!! But we did both settle down....then we all went to sleep. At least I was getting the better of Orion!!! :)
Bad Orion, almost going on the bed again.
Junior, sorry to hear you were squirted with water. We both hate the evil water bottle.
Enjoy your weekend with your mom!
Orion, don't pee on the bed! It makes your The Mom person mad.
Have a good weekend you guys!
Oooh, we haven't been squirted with water in about 4 years. We do not like that! Maybe Orion will remember how yucky wet feels and start being a behaved kitty!
Oh dear. That wasn't a good thing. I wonder what troubles Orion that he thinks the bed is a good place to pee?
You two sound like you keep Meowm too busy! Playing thundering herd of elephants is fun and good, but wrassling can get good little cats into some trouble, especially when you get loud! Wrassle quietly, and maybe you won't see that squirt bottle.
This water bottle things sounds rather unfriendly. I have never seen one. I know when that voice changes to run and HIDE.
Go, Junior, go! You can show Orion who is the real boss.
We have to keep a close watch on Pixie because she likes to potty downstairs. When we see "the look" we know to bring her upstairs and put her in the litter box. And she always goes! Of course, she is on Lasix, so that makes her potty a lot more than normal.
Oh Junior, it sounds like you guys had a very exciting evening! I can't believe Orion was going to pee on the bed, I guess he was mad at your Mum : )
Seriously, bed peeing is not a good thing and can't go on. But being squirted by a human slave is not only bad, it's humiliating!
Oh no, not the dreaded water bottle!
I HATE the water bottle! Blasted thing from beyond!!!
Orion, step away from the bed!
i eat too fast and too much, so my human gives us all a small spoonful first to eat, then after a little while gives us more. we act less crazy then. i love to eat, i am the best eater in my cat family!
Go Junior, getting the best of Orion for a change. Yes, we will take you up on the transport to get some fresh air. It is still smokey out there. Every one in California will be so happy to have those fires OUT. Mom and Dad had friends that had to evacuate in the Pradise Area for five days, they are home now but still on a precautionary evacuation.
Hope you are enjoying your Mom home this weekend.
Got my paws crossed that this will post.
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