Tabby Tuesday

The Lady has got to take some more pictures of me! I am tired of the same ones over and over again!
I got to play Thundering Herd of Elephants last night for a little while with the other cat. It was fun and it made the Lady laugh. We settled in for a np after we played, but when the Lady gets up and goes to that place where the food is.....I am right behind her. She says I am like a d-o-g....I think not! Just cause I want a bite of everything you put in your mouth does not make me a d-o-g! She also called me a junkyard kitty......I guess because it seems like I will eat most anything. What does she expect?? I was out on my own...fending for myself....I had to make do with what I could find. Hmmphf! Kinda hurts my feelings...but then she picks me up and snuggles me and lets me set on her lap....and I can't be hurt anymore. There is nothing like a warm, soft lap to sit in!
You definitely aren't a dog! Our humans call us dog-like sometimes, because we like to follow them around from room to room. But we're not dogs either!
A dog!? Well, we do come when she calls us....
Orion, I do not blame you for wanting to eat everything all up because for so long, you did not know where your next meal would come from. But you are safe now, and I doubt you will ever go hungry again!
I follow mai Mommie arownd da howse all da tym. But dats cuz dat woofie duz it an I donna wanna be left owt of all da asitements. An acorse wen she sits bak down, I hasta hav fyrst dibs on her lap too. Yur rite, warm lappies arr da bestest pwace evar.
Thundering Herd of Elephants????!!!! What a lucky cat you are! We haven't played THAT game in forever!!!
Glad that you liked the poster! Wishing you a very happy earth day!
Opus and Roscoe
Thundering Herd is SOOOO much fun!!! Then snuggles after are the best.
Orion, don't feel bad - I always follow my Mum when she goes in the kitchen too and I have never had a hard life like you did.
My Mum says just because we go into the kitchen doesn't mean it is treat time. Which is just stupid if you ask me - why else would you go into the kitchen - duh!
You do not look anything like a dog!
You do look like a very appreciative and loyal forever kitty to your lady!
Your having a forever home just makes my kitty heart so happy!
Thundering heard of elephants is a fun game!
I like that picture of you a lot! Junkyard kitty - well, I never! ;-)
We are so glad to hear that you are adjusting to your new environment so well Orion!
i know wut u meen abowt a "warm lap" ...
wen i want one ... i know it'z dere waitin fer me.
Orion, we get called dog-like all the time, and Camie gets called cat-like. We have learned that beans don't know anything much about us.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
me follows the lady around for foods too! - Billy
I follow Momma around when I hear food, too. And Thundering Herd of Elephants is the best game ever!
I think maybe you might want to think about leaving the flame Millie bed alone, though. I heard a rumor that someone isn't that happy about you being in it. :)
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