Rocky Monday

I wanted to honor Rocky today. Rocky was a great gutter cat and lived to a great geezerly age. We know that he is missed my his brothers, Skeezix, Mao and Tripper. And of course by Mr. TF and The Food Lady. And we can't forget his harem of Vixens! I hope that I live as long and as good of a life as Rocky did.
Meowm is having a bit of a hard time coping with the loss of some of the blogoshpere kittes, the loss of some bloggers and the plight of so many kitties and woofies needing homes. She has such a soft heart when it comes to us animals and her heart is hurting. So if we don't post as much for a few days, or we post late, like today, please forgive us. Meowms heart just needs some time to heal.
We hope you all have a great week.~~~~~~Junior
We are very sad for Rocky's family because they have been our friends for so long. We know that Rocky is in a better place hanging with so many of our other friends that we have lost. We hate change.
We didn't know Rocky, but we left our purrs of condolence for his family. It's incredibly difficult to lose a beloved family member and no words can offer real comfort at this time.
Our Mommy sympathizes. We miss Rocky like crazy.
We're sending your Mom purrs and hugs; it's so hard to have a soft heart.
Love, MomKat Trish & the Lounge 13
We were very sad to hear about sweet Rocky too.
We understand how hard it can be to cope with so many illnesses and losses. Hope a few days rest from blogging will help.
It is sad about Rocky.
We understand -
It has been tough on many levels in recent days -
Norwood told us this evening about a schnauzer being boarded where he goes to doggiedaykhare - the schnauzer's owner died unexpekhtedly today and the family khan't take her - one of the staff was going to take her home with them for the time being -
Hugz&Khysses Khoming from HERE,
PeeEssWoo: Callie might have a furevFUR home fur the HOWLIdays! How khool is that!?!
Please give Meowm some purrs and nose kissies from us, ok?
We didn't knows Rocky but he sounds like he was a cool kiiteh.
We understand how you feel...the loss of furiends and bloggers stopping can take a toll on your heart and be overwhelming at times.
You r mom has a good heart!
Our condolances. Specially to those kitties who misses him. Me lost my companion a month ago and me still expects to see him in his favorite places. We know he was loved!
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