Tabby Tuesday

Why don't beans understand that we MUST be fed at the crack of dawn a.m.? Is it so hard to get their booties out of bed to feed us? I mean, come on, 5:30 is not a bad time at all. I know some of you cats out there wake up your beans earlier than that.....but Meowm thinks it is just a horrible time for me to wake her!!! I just can't get it through her thick skull that I am STARVING by that time! I am WASTING away! All of my RIBS are poking through my skin!! I meow and meow at her, using up the last of my strength and all she does is scoot me off the big bed! And then I have to waste more precious energy getting back up there to meow at her more!! What finally worked this morning was my brother yakking. Oh he isn't really sick, he just scarfed down some dry food without chewing it so it came back up. But if sure got Meowm out of bed quick! The ONLY time I see her move that fast is when he yaks. Part of me wants him to yak like this every would make my job a lot easier....but I know how horrible it is to yak so I will have to work on other ways to get Meowms LAZY bootie out of bed! Sheesh!!! Beans!!!
Orion, sometimes moms are a little thick in the head. they don't realize that DAYLIGHT MEANS TIME TO EAT. sheesh. what's so hard to unnerstand about that? just 'acuase their internal clocks are wired weerd and they akshually need noisy things to wake them up and tell them when to eat doesn't mean we should suffer. - Sammy
Humans think that we are immune to starvation when of course we are not!
It is very funny to see how fast they move when they hear the sound of yakking!
I think I am going to make a yakking tape and play it at will.
I could sell it on Ebay.
purrs Goldie
I made the biggest yak pile yesterday. I totally ate like half a bowl of crunchies and then yakked it all up. Then Woman had to clean it up which was great of course.
Yes, humans don't seem to realize that the moment the sun rises, we expect to be fed. We wake our humans up around 5 am, but they generally ignore us until 6 or so.
Michico always crazy move while she heard my yakking~!
Sometimes I see her move I just stop yak~!
You think it has something to do with her not feeling well? Or is she like this all the time?
You could try firecrackers on the bed. That would wake her!
My Mommy can move at the speed of light when one of us yaks!
Doodz. Maw got uzed to us yakkin'. She dunt git up no more. She waitz fur mornin', then kleens it up.
Luf, Us
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