The things we got to smell!

Meowm brought home some very interesting smells over the weekend.
On Friday night she brought home this musky smell. We had smelled that one before but it had been awhile. Meowm said it was ferret. We have never seen a ferret, but we would like to. Maybe this one can come visit us some time.
On Saturday afternoon, she came home with tons of woofie smells on her! She said she had been watching woofie agility stuff. She met up with the woofie Mom from Tiptail ( and watched Chase make some runs. She also met Levi, Tatum and Muffit. There were lots of other woofies there to look at and pet and she had a great time. You should go over to Tiptail and say hi! Meowm says they are very nice woofies! And Meowm wants to say thanks to Tiptial Mom, Cynthia, for inviting her and showing her around.
Saturday evening she came home with another cat smell on her and this one we have smelled before also. She said it was Navar that she had visited.
Finally, on Sunday she was gone for about 3 hours and came home with all kinds of birdie smells on her. She said she went to Tracy Aviary and visited birdies there. I (Junior) sniffed on her shoes for at least an hour when she got home! Oh how I wish I could have been with her to see those birdies for myself.
So it was extra nice to spend time with her yesterday seeing as how she was miss social butterfly over the weekend.
Ferrets? I've never smelled one of those.
Woofies? I know all about those!!
Birdies? I'd love to be close enough to smell those!!
I think I would enjoy smelling all of those different scents!
wow all those smells would be great to smell!
deer junior,
i bet none uv doze smellz were az bad az da smell uv da black an wite tuxie an hiz/her gray an wite frend lookin fer food in mi backyard!
how ar u feelin?
Wow, you guys sure had alot of good smells to smell!
She spent more time visiting every other creature and ignored you. Glad she stayed home on Sunday evening
deer junior,
fer yer baseball infermashun ...
dis iz da las seezon uv da current yankee stadium (da howse dat ruth built)
a noo yankee stadium iz bein built an da old stadium will be torn down.
thank u fer askin.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
All those smells - you must've been in heaven!
Hi, Junior!!!! <--- that's from Ninna
Wow, your mom sure had a lot of interesting smells on her! She was really out and about on the weekend, instead of spending time with you two!
It was super fun to meet your Meowm on Saturday! I got to come out and eat yummy treats. And my Mum said to tell your Meowm that it was fun to hang out too! And she says she's sorry if she had to dash off sometimes, it's kinda how agilities work!
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