My birthday present!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is quite soft and squishy...
It has a tail like me.....and is kinda the same color as me...
It even has blue eyes like me.....I think this is just a purrfect birthday present!
Special thanks to Auntie Lois, Auntie Marilou and Auntie Deb. I got the first one of these!!!!!!
These special millie beds can be purchased through Rocky Mountain Siamese Rescue in about a month. They will come in a variety of Siamese point colors. I am not sure how much it cost.....but it sure is great!!!!!
Everycat get your beans to get you one of these....if you don't want a meezer looking one with the tail and eyes, there are still the regular millie beds------like my flame bed-----and they are just as wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a link to Siamese reescue (meezer rescue) in my sidebar.
I am going pink for Lilly Lu! GET WELL SOON!!!!!!
Wow, that bed looks *really soft, and you look very handsome in it.
Junior that's an absolutely purrfect bed. What a great purrthday gift!
Your friend
Misty E
That bed is so cool, Junior! Happy birthday!
That is too cute! And I'll bet you can play with the tail, too!
That is an excellent present, Junior! You look very content.
What a great, great present! You look so fabulous in it!
Thanks for leaving a comment for Lilly Lu!
That is a very cool bed, Junior! What a great present. :) It look very soft and comfortable. How cool that it has a tail and blue eyes, just like you!
That bed looks so very comfy and it matches your look! How wonderful!!! Your lucky to be the first to get one. It's like "designer" and all that!
Luf, Us
That bed looks comfy. I like how it looks just like you with the tail and blue eyes and everything.
I love it Junior! You look divine!
Junior we are too far away to get one. You look very pretty in it.
Is that an exercise mat nearby? I have a couple of small exercise mats.
Your new bed looks very soft and comfortable. I love it that it has blue eyes and a tail, just like you.
What a great bed! And so cute! Looks real comfy too.
I can't wait to get one!!! Yours is so great!
I lurve your new bed! It is so cool. Like a UFO wif purrty blue eyes. You look furry comfy in it. I WANT ONE TOO!
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