Tuesday, April 19, 2011
About Me
- Name: Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Junior~I am a Flamepoint Siamese. I was adopted from the Rocky Mountain Siamese Rescue in January of 2006. I live with my bean in Salt Lake City, Utah. I love my bean and give her regular love bites just to prove it. Sadly I went to the Rainbow Bridge on December 19, 2012. Orion~I am an orange DSH. Meowm found me at one of her jobs. It appears I was dropped off. I am declawed so Meowm didn't want to leave me out in the wilds unable to defend myself. So here I am in my new furever home! Sammy~I am a lilac or blue snowshoe meezer. Meowm rescued me from outside, I had been abandoned. I am 2 and we are all learning to live with my FIV+ status. I am very happy to be in my new home!

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Proud Member of The Gorgeous Gingers

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with a precious face like this, who wouldn't like to stay?
Orion, Life is Good! Mommy is so happy your leg is better, she was worried you did a number on it like Felix did to his knee last year.
If you are happy then I am happy too! Isn't it nice when they can stay home with us?
What a face!
PeeEssWoo: I spent the last hour lounging in the rain - want to see how spongy I am?
I must say, you look pretty darn chipper and happy too!
We're glad you're feeling so well! You do look fabulous! :-)
-Fuzzy Tales
Yous such a happy face!
Me would kiss it all over!
Orion, my human stays home all the time, and I have to tell you, it's not all it's cracked up to be! She kind of gets on my nerves. A lot.
Pretty kitty!
My name is Oskar & I have a blog that I'd love for you to check out, www.PetBlogsUnited.com. It's a great place for pet bloggers to find each other and get some exposure!
Nubbin wiggles,
Well we do OK if mum leaves for a bit. That way we can nap in peace and play as hard as we want to.
So good to hear you have a wonderful day !
I'm so happy your little leggy is feeling better!
Congratulations on your winning bid at the auction and a big thank you for your support in our FUNraising efforts to help out our lovely little Shell.
You won Item #3, the gorgeous Cardew Cool Catz Oriental Cat Figurine! To make your payment, please go to the auction site, and click on the paypal button for Shell on the Right side of the page. Be sure to put a note with the item# and your blog :), or TCS id.
As noted in the auction, shipping was not included; your grand total is:$30.00($20.00 for the bid, and $10.00 to help with shipping charges)
We couldn’t send you our new auction supporter badge for 2011 since we don’t have an email for you, but you are welcome to pick one up from our auction page and put it on your sidebar and link to the auction if you would like.
Again, many thanks.
Lucky, Auctioneer
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