Tuesday, February 22, 2011
About Me
- Name: Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Junior~I am a Flamepoint Siamese. I was adopted from the Rocky Mountain Siamese Rescue in January of 2006. I live with my bean in Salt Lake City, Utah. I love my bean and give her regular love bites just to prove it. Sadly I went to the Rainbow Bridge on December 19, 2012. Orion~I am an orange DSH. Meowm found me at one of her jobs. It appears I was dropped off. I am declawed so Meowm didn't want to leave me out in the wilds unable to defend myself. So here I am in my new furever home! Sammy~I am a lilac or blue snowshoe meezer. Meowm rescued me from outside, I had been abandoned. I am 2 and we are all learning to live with my FIV+ status. I am very happy to be in my new home!

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I'd be thrilled with any sun spot. I hope yours does get bigger!
That is as it should be too, just for you!
Oh it is very nice and sunny heres today! Then when summer gets heres I'll be complainin cuz it's too hot...hehehe!
But, you looks nice and comfy theres.
what's a sunspot? we only have cold spots.
Mes LOVES the sun and it is shining here today! Me has a special spot where me goes and sunbathes
What a nice and warm spot to relax!
You look so sweet all stretched out. My mom would be down there spreading ol' kisses all over you.
No kidding - winter sun patches leave much to be desired.
OK yous guys! Yous is the bestest and me wants yous to get this AWSOME Blog AWARD!
Me loves coming to visit yous, but Mommy does not always let me on the computer and she has taken away my iPad privlages (soemthing about the plants and throwing them on the floor)
But yous can get it here:
Kitty Kisses and Head butts
Love the picture, that sunspot looks wonderful!
Rudy's Raiser
There was lots of sun here today -
Would it be to much to ask for is sunspots and warm weather?
We're with you!!
That's a nice and lovely spot there!! Getting enough sunshine is very good to your health!! Ask your mum for a bigger and relaxing spot next time. :-)
Have you ever checked out http://www.floppycats.com/? My kitties and I visit it regularly - they review cat products, talk about cat health issues and introduce you to new cat products.
❤❤ http://www.floppycats.com/ ❤❤
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