Hey Everyone!

We hope everyone had a great weekend! And for those in the nasty storm path, we hope you are all safe!
We had a calm weekend.....with playing and napping. We had some good rainstorms here on Sunday and Monday and it turned a bit chilly so we are enjoying snuggling close to Meowm at night. Meowm has been a little blue, but we are purring on her and she will be fine in no time. She did go get that massage thing for her shoulder and it is feeling a bit better, but not completely well. She says she will see what time brings before she decides what else to do.
It was very fun to hear and see the duckies playing outside in all the rain this weekend. They were wiggling around and fluffing their feathers and quacking up a storm of their own. They made Meowm chuckle. We do feel kind of bad because there are a couple of duckies that have injured legs and they are having to hobble around on them. We certainly hope they get better. Maybe we could all purr a little for them.
I'm glad you had a good weekend snuggling and playing. I sure will purray that your Meowm feels so much better soon (and the duckies, too)!
That's a fine cat bed you have there, it looks really comfy. Snuggling up to your Meowm will definately cheer her up. I hope her shoulder is better soon!
I am glad you boys had a relaxing weekend with your mom!
You tell your mom she's not allowed to be blue. Its simply not allowed. I will have to meeze right in her face if she insists on that. Yup, right in her face! In fact, I might have to call to meeze at her! I'm a very talkative phone personality you know.
awww we hopes that your mom turns another color (well, maybe not green) soon!
I am glad you had a good weekend. We will continue to purr for your person and her sore shoulder. Catupuncture works great for that you know...
deer junior,
blu izza nice color ... but notta good feelin.
i hope yer mom iz feelin in da pink.
i think dat'z a better feelin!
Sending lots of purrs to your mom. We hope she feels better soon!
Thank you so much for celebrating my first birthday with me yesterday! I really appreciate it! - Merlin
Hugs to you all~!
Hope you have a great new week as well!!
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