Thursday, March 06, 2008
About Me
- Name: Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Junior~I am a Flamepoint Siamese. I was adopted from the Rocky Mountain Siamese Rescue in January of 2006. I live with my bean in Salt Lake City, Utah. I love my bean and give her regular love bites just to prove it. Sadly I went to the Rainbow Bridge on December 19, 2012. Orion~I am an orange DSH. Meowm found me at one of her jobs. It appears I was dropped off. I am declawed so Meowm didn't want to leave me out in the wilds unable to defend myself. So here I am in my new furever home! Sammy~I am a lilac or blue snowshoe meezer. Meowm rescued me from outside, I had been abandoned. I am 2 and we are all learning to live with my FIV+ status. I am very happy to be in my new home!

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Are you too sleepy to do a 13? I know I am!
You are taking 13 winks?
We had to take a break from T13 because we were running out of things to say 13 things about!
13 tingz iz hard sometimez. Mebbe you should add 2 Thurzdaze & make 6 & 1/2 tingz each Thurz-day. Dis will be eazier on da 'ol noggin.
I know how you feel. 13 things of anything is way too much. I don't think I could even handle 13 Temptations. Well...I could give it a good try.
That is a very nice picture, you look so peaceful and sleepy!
It's too bloomin' cold for me to do anything but take 13 least!
But what a fine fine photo it is!
But a cute picture at that!
Just sleep first!
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