Tuesday, March 11, 2008
About Me
- Name: Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Junior~I am a Flamepoint Siamese. I was adopted from the Rocky Mountain Siamese Rescue in January of 2006. I live with my bean in Salt Lake City, Utah. I love my bean and give her regular love bites just to prove it. Sadly I went to the Rainbow Bridge on December 19, 2012. Orion~I am an orange DSH. Meowm found me at one of her jobs. It appears I was dropped off. I am declawed so Meowm didn't want to leave me out in the wilds unable to defend myself. So here I am in my new furever home! Sammy~I am a lilac or blue snowshoe meezer. Meowm rescued me from outside, I had been abandoned. I am 2 and we are all learning to live with my FIV+ status. I am very happy to be in my new home!

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I hope seals could be helped by all the beans.
We got your e-mail yesterday and now that cute picture is Meowmy's background on her work computer.
I am FOR helping to save the seals. They are so beautiful.
I thought that was an Earless Albino Huskey.
In any case, I do not eat seal. But I think I see a cat on here somewhere bunny kicking one.
Great link Junior. The seal hunt always causes great debate here on the East Coast of Canada. The PM has had many a heated discussion on the topic, some of her good friends growing up had relatives who did that sort of thing for a living and it drove her crazy.
Oh Junior, I hope you didn't take my comment the wrong way. We wouldn't give you "heck" for it as we totally agree with you. The PM was the odd one out during those debates as she was against the hunt and so many people around here are for it, as fishing is their livelyhood. She's a veggie, PETA supporting, environmentalist, homeschooling freak really!
Purrs~ just wanted to clarify~ back to finding a sunbeam~ Goldie
Hi! Me and mommy support the seals thru the Defenders of Wildlife. We also support the HSUS International group that seeks to end the killing of seals. Poor little sweeties.
It is like the saying goes "for every coat that gets a fur collar, something loses theirs."
We have worked to save the seals as well. Poor things.
I have read about these seals before. They are very cuddly looking! Thanks for posting this informashun, everyone should be aware!
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