Meezer Monday

As I type this Meowm's resignation letter (with 2 weeks notice) is on her bosses desk. He has yet to read it and she is nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. She is afraid that the boss will not react nicely. Meowm has a new job with a company called Rocky Mountain Recycling. She will be doing a different job than she currently does and will be paid better. She is a bit nervous about starting a new job, but knows it is the right thing to do for us. In the job that she is leaving her raises have only been $2.00 in almost 10 years.....not good. So the month to month expenses have been hard to keep up with....things will improve with this new job.
Once she gets to the new job, we may not get to as many blogs as we have been lately, or may not get to post as often on our own. At least not till we get DSL at home and the 'puter runs a bit faster. We want you all to know that we will visit when we can and we still love all of you to pieces!
I gotta go snuggle Meowm and see if I can keep her from being so nervous.
Congratulations to your mom! I am glad she found a job that values her better. My Mommie would be nervous about starting a new job too, but I know your mom will do great.
I am glad to hear that your mom found a new job. I wish her all the best!
Good for your mom!!! She deserves a better job that pays better. Woohoo!!!
I am very glad that your human has a better job now and it sounds like it will create new challenges as well as making living easier for you two! Good for her!
I hope that things don't go badly with the current boss and that the next job goes WONDERFULLY purrs
Congratulations to your Mum. My Mum says it is hard to move on, especially after 10 years, but you just have to do what is best for you!
I am sure she will do well at her new job.
Congratulations to your mom on her new job! We wish her lots of luck!
Wow, concatulations to your mum. Hope she likes her new job better than the old one and likes the better paycheck too. More green papers means more toys.
Good for your mom! Away from the misery!
It's none of yur meowms old bosses bisness an' he doesn't git to haf a opinion 'bout that. It's the rulz.
Oh, best wishes to your Meowm! If that boss reacts badly, just tell him it's his own fault for paying so little - people have to survive. (In a nice way. :))
Good luck to you mom on her new jobbie! Will she make more green papers to buy more Temptations?
Congratulations to your mom on her new job. This is definitely a good move for her. I'm glad that so far, her current bosses aren't giving her a hard time over her decision. Best of luck to your mom.
Yay for your mom! She deserves much better than $2.00 in 10 years. Good luck mom!
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