Tuesday, September 01, 2009
About Me
- Name: Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Junior~I am a Flamepoint Siamese. I was adopted from the Rocky Mountain Siamese Rescue in January of 2006. I live with my bean in Salt Lake City, Utah. I love my bean and give her regular love bites just to prove it. Sadly I went to the Rainbow Bridge on December 19, 2012. Orion~I am an orange DSH. Meowm found me at one of her jobs. It appears I was dropped off. I am declawed so Meowm didn't want to leave me out in the wilds unable to defend myself. So here I am in my new furever home! Sammy~I am a lilac or blue snowshoe meezer. Meowm rescued me from outside, I had been abandoned. I am 2 and we are all learning to live with my FIV+ status. I am very happy to be in my new home!

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Proud Member of The Gorgeous Gingers

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Is the raffle open to those outside of the USA?
We will start telling folks about this. Paypal is certainly making this difficult, aren't they?
Oh we are sorry to hear that - we thought that would have been a huge success!!!
We actually just remembered this morning. Meowmy doesn't have her checkbook with her today but she promised to put a LARGE PINK post-it note to remind herself tomorrow.
You're kidding. That lovely quilt. Not a single one --- yet.
okay... we sints an email dat we iz buyin a tikket. we kints afford tikkets, but dis is goods cause. in fact we iz on da listie of kitties in needs.
soh folks out dehr nots in needs kin hunt fur a bit of greeniez too...
Jr n Orion gots a furry goods mommy n dis here quilt iz bootiful...
Peeplez - diz is goods hanukkah or christmoose purrsent!
we lufs you all out dehr.
Katie Too
We are emailing you now for two tickets!!! Have you posted this on the CB???
Junior and Orion, what great pictures of the two of you. Looks like you have been busy helping people. The quilt is beautiful. Mom has to pay bills before she can see if she will be able to make a bid on that neat quilt.
Oh Yes, we have to say we are glad your Mom is getting better and is without pain now. Take care of her O.K.
You both are really kind~!
I am admiring you both!
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