Tabby Tuesday

Orion here:
Finally a day about me! Meowm pushed me into the PTU the other day and took me to that nasty v-e-t place. I wasn't happy about this and I told her about it a couple of times, but mainly I was scared that I was gonna be dropped off and left so I behaved for hte most part. I got some pills shoved down my throat and they stole my blood! And they had to poke on both my legs to get my blood! If that wasn't bad enough.....they poked things in my booty and didn't even get out what they wanted! The indignity of it all! I let Meowm know about it when I got back to her. I went back in the PTU willingly because it was better than having my booty poked and prodded. I was still scared of where we were going so when we finally stopped and were in a building I didn't want to come out of the PTU. Meowm tipped it up a little and I had to come out....and we were home!!! I was so happy! The other cat came and sniffed at me a bit, and then left me alone. About an hour later we all took a nap! That was the best after the morning I had!
After we woke up, Meowm wandered into the room with the big machines in it and then she said a bad word. Then she went out the door and it was a little while before she came back. While she was gone I noticed that lots of water was coming into the room with the big machines. Pretty soon she was back and was grabbing lots of blankies-she calls them towels, the look like blankies to me-and throwing them on the ground. And she was saying bad words the whole time! She got on that thing she talks into and then some time later some man showed up at our door. He came in, checked things out and left. Then he came back, checked things out some more, talked with Meowm and he petted me! Meowm came over, picked me up and took me to him and he petted me! Then he left and Meowm continued to say bad words as she messed around with those blankies some more.
I had an accident during this time. Meowm didn't find it till she was all done with the room. I had the accident on some of her clothes......and I felt really bad. I had been laying on the big bed and she had put some of her clothes on there. Well, the combination of the morning and what was happening in the room with the litterbox....I didn't know what else to do. I was scared that she was gonna be mad, so I was hiding on the floor next to the big bed for a long time. She finally came and picked me up and put me on the cat tree....then she went and found my accident. She didn't even get mad! She went to work cleaning it up.....then she came over and petted me and asked if I was okay. I think I have the best meowm in the world! I am glad she brought me home with her!
Sorry to hear you had to go to the vet, Orion, but it's important to get checked out to make sure we are healthy.
The stuff in the litterbox room sounds yucky! Your poor mom. We are glad that she didn't get mad at you for having an accident. You have a great mom! :)
Oh poor you: the PTU and the prodding and the accident. We hope you are okay and we completely understand why your Meowm wasn't mad at you. FAZ
Poor Junior! You have such a great Mom!
Junior I am glad your person was so understanding. So many wouldn't be.
Orion, it sounds as if you and Meowm both had a really bad day. I hope those big machines got fixed and Meowm's vocabulary improves (wink). Those accidents are embarrassing, but just chalk it up to the stress you were both feeling. Things will be better now!
Oh Orion, I think you have the best Mom too!
I am sorry you had to go to the VET, but my Mum says that it is really for your own good and that your Mum must love you lots to make sure you are feeling well!
I am so glad you found your Mum and Junior!
Poor Orion, it sounds like you had a very stressful morning. I do not blame you for having a little accident, especially since you couldn't get to your litter box with all the commotion. You have a great mom!
i'm glad you're home from the VET and are OK. you have a wonderful mommy to not get mad at your accident. she knows you didn't mean it.
i hope you don't have to go to the VET again any time soon.
You do have the best mom in the world! Although the Woman's cool too, its the Man who gets a little weird at times but he always apologizes and makes me purr. Sorry about the wet stuff, your mom seems to have bad luck with that stuff!
Oh dear oh dear! Such a upsetting day...maybe you both better come over here for some rest and a sweet cup of tea...bring mommy too and we will massage her feet for her and serve her some too! She need a nice little respite from the day!
Dennis says you have a wonderful mom, Dennis has one like that--so does Daisy.
feel better Junior
Orion what a day you had! But the nice thing is you came home again.
You have a wonderful Meowm, Orion! She was so understanding about your accident..and she didn't even say any bad werds about it!
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Accidents are accidents. Mommies are cool enough to know that. We're very lucky!
Mommies rule! Love, Monkey
We are sorry that you were so stressed out. Mommy's are very understanding about that stuff usually.
We are glad that your mommy found you and fell in love with you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Goodness sakes, sounds like you and your Mom had one heck of a day. My Mom says bad words sometimes too, especially to the computer. Sorry to hear about your visit to the Vet and the big machines. Gosh, you might have drowned. Mom's old dishwasher used to leak like that too and she got the blanket towels out. We won't go into the words.
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