EVERYBODY PURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've got them purraying at Siamese Internet Cat Club, Suz Brockmanns message board, and at Catster!
Two Meezers, one an Angel, with some Orinch Meniss, and a sweet little Cow Kitty girl.
you're very sweet! we've been purraying lots too.
Ok. We ist purrayin. We hast bin purrayin fur dem. We hopes dey git job and partment. It ist desperate sityouashun ofur der.
Luf, Us
We have been praying too on this end. Sure hope Brandi and Mom get both job and apartment.
Mom was reading the thirteen things if you had Bill Gate's money. She said if she could win the super lottory she would do the same thing, but I think she would put some doggies in there too.
Junior-that's so good of you to get everyone thinking good thoughts.
That is very kind of you to get the word out Junior! We (me and my humans) are purraying here.
i'm purrayin heer in noo york.
junior. iz dat a M on yer forehead? u know ... dat'z da mark uv a tabby!
jus wunderin.
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