Well, Meowm scooped the litterboxes twice yesterday, and last night she didn't smell any overwhelming ammonia smells. She was scooping once a day before. She is thinking that maye this is how it will be with having 3 of us, and in a warmer apartment. She will still keep an eye on us and see how things go, but for now she isn't worried as much as she was.
In other news, Meowm purchased her ticket for Blogpaws this morning. She will only be able to go to the festivites on Saturday, but she is excited! None of us will be attending in our natural forms, but she is going to try to make some flat representatives of us. If that doesn't work out, anyone visiting for Blogpaws is welcome to come over and meet us in purrson. Well, you will meet Junior and I, but Sammy will probably hide.
That's all for now! Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend Orion!!!!!!!
Have a good weekend boys - glad your mom is getting a day at BlogPaws....and glad things seem better with all of you!
Oh that is exciting. The Woman is leaving Saturday night early, so we hope that we can meet your Mum. We probably won't get to meet you but the flat cats can get together!
How exciting that your human got her ticket for BlogPaws! Make sure she finds my human to say hello and maybe hang out!
We do hope efurrything is ok and the Mommy wanted to go to BlogPaws so badly this year, but has her eyes on next year fur sure!
Well I reckon dat makes sense to scoop more when you has kittehs...your meown be a smart cookie. I hopes dat is definately what be goin' on.
We be jealous hers is goin' to Blogpaws....sigh.
Have fun at Blogpaws! I got to go...well my flat self got to go with my mom a couple of years ago and we had a great time!
Me is so happy that the smell is not there. We gets it when we eats more dry than wet foods. And your flat selves is going to Blog Paws!?!?
Yous is lucky cats.
Have a good weekend, cleaning out litter trays is such a joy for humans!
Enjoy your Blogpaws virtual trip.
martha & bailey xxx
I hope things will go well with the scooping!
I am sure your Meowm will have a great time at Blogpaws!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
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