Friday, January 20, 2012

Finally Friday!!

Orion: Meowm and I are exhausted! My brofurs were so bad last night!!! Sammy likes to pounce on tails.

Sammy: I love to pounce on most anything but tails are so much fun!

Orion: And he wouldn't leave Juniors tail alone.

Junior: Damn young whippersnapper! My tail is having enough issues, what with Meowm sticking me in that giant tub of water and washing it! And then if she hasn't washed it, she is poking around on it, looking to see if it is doing better. JUST LEAVE MY TAIL ALONE!!!

Orion: Did I mention Junior is a bit grumpy?

Sammy: Pounce, pounce, pounce. I love to pounce!

Orion: Anyway, Sammy wouldn't leave tails alone last night, and then Junior would get hissed off and a skirmish would ensue.

Sammy: I like to skirmish!

Junior: Damn young whippersnapper!

Orion: So the first time, Meowm got out the canned air and sprayed in the general direction, and they calmed down so Meowm went back to bed.

Sammy: I love mousies!!!

Orion: Then later, another skirmish develops and Meowm gets up and puts Sammy in the PTU and Junior and I were closed inside the human litterbox room.

Sammy: I hate cages!!!!!

Junior: I was quite content being away from the brat!

Orion: Sammy wouldn't be quiet in the PTU so Meowm finally let him out.

Sammy: FREEDOM!!!!!

Orion: And he promptly came over to the human litterbox room door and started meowing. Meowm ignored him for ahile, but then I started meowing back at him. I hadn't done anything wrong, I didn't want to be closed up in there!

Junior: I was being purrfectly quiet.

Sammy: I wanted tails to pounce on!

Orion: Meowm came over and let us out and all was well for awhile. Then another skirmish and all hell broke loose. Meowm jumped out of bed and started pitching pillows at my brofurs. And she was telling them off and she was using words from the bad word list. My brofurs finally hid under the big bed.

Junior and Sammy: She was ranting and raving and we thought for sure our lives were at an end! We had no choice but to retreat, she was acting like a crazy woman! She was acting like she needed to get some sleep for cods sake!

Orion: After that things finally calmed down, Meowm got back in bed and eventually my brofurs came out from under the bed. Meowm finally got some sleep and my brofurs calmed down.

Junior: Damn young whippersnapper!

Sammy: I love sparkle balls too!

Meowm: Damn brats. I finally got to sleep about 3 this morning. They will enjoy napping today while I am at work. It's nights like that when I wish I had a second bedroom or a door for my one bedroom. And they behaved this morning like nothing had happened last night. Sheesh!!!


Blogger Random Felines said...

Ahh - the best intentions of people....trying to sleep at night - how dare we???

January 20, 2012 9:49 AM  
Blogger Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It sounds ta US like SOMEONE needs a whap-down! Just sayin...

January 20, 2012 10:13 AM  
Blogger Katnip Lounge said...

To the Mommy of The Three Stooges:

Welcome to my world.

Mommy Trish xx

January 20, 2012 12:23 PM  
Blogger Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

Your Junior and Sammy sound just like my Callie and Sassy. Callie always wants to play and Sassy gets cranky.

January 20, 2012 12:26 PM  
Blogger Admiral Hestorb said...

Been DOWN that road. Mom has..but not with me. She "feels your pain".
xoxoxo Katie

January 20, 2012 1:45 PM  
Blogger 3 doxies said...

bwhahahaha...OMD, I am so sorry to laughs at your meown but my mum SOOOOOO understands her dilemma. Bur seriously, can't hoomans function on no sleep?

Sammy be crackin' me he ADHD?


January 20, 2012 2:48 PM  
Blogger Remington said...

You guys are so funny.... BTW -- Ozabella likes sparkle balls too!

January 20, 2012 4:56 PM  
Anonymous Sparkle said...

Binga only beats up on Boodie during the day. Somekitty needs to tell her she is doing it wrong.

January 20, 2012 6:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ha Ha Ha! Your house sounds like OUR house, 'cept the Hairy Slobbery sister Cinnamon gets into it too, and she always needs to gets up and goes outside in the middle of the night, and because of the coyotes, Mommy or Daddy has to goes too and then - just as we all goes back to sleep, KOZMO will start it all over again!
Then we sleeps all day to rest up for tomorrow night

January 20, 2012 7:39 PM  
Blogger Angel Prancer Pie said...

Sum kitteh at our house likes to play jingle balls after midnight. Makes the Mom crazy when efurry kitteh is asleep all afternoon afterwards!

January 20, 2012 11:02 PM  
Blogger Martha said...

Oh Sammy sounds like so What is this with the pouncing - does he think he is a cat or something!
How annoying to have your meowm washing your tail - surely that much be a breach of your feline rights.
These humans can be such pests - still keep her awake all night, that'll teach her to wash your tail.
We have missed you all
much love
Martha & Bailey xxx
ps yes, really, it is us!!!

January 21, 2012 11:19 AM  
Blogger Daisy said...

Boys are maniacs!

January 21, 2012 12:42 PM  
Blogger Lorenza said...

Sounds like you gave Meowm a very interesting night!
Be nice with her... humans need their sleeping time!
Happy sunday!
Kisses and hugs

January 22, 2012 10:41 AM  
Blogger GRAÇA said...

Eu sou uma gata que teve a sorte de ser adoptada com 2 meses por uma mami que me adora e me pôs o nome de Kika ,adoro ter amigos e tenho os todo no meu pequenino coração e quando tenho o asas de ficar sem algum que virou anjinho fico muito triste
Queres pertencer aos grupo dos meus amiguinhos??
Temos alguns em comum
Fico esperando tua visita
Turrinhas e miaus carinhosos da

January 22, 2012 12:25 PM  

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