Not So Wordless Wednesday

We watched the inauguration yesterday. When Meowm got home the TV was on...and she knew she hadn't even turned it on yesterday morning. Yep, we turned it on and tuned in!!!!!! It was cool...well except for the fact that we didn't see any cats there......and no one talked about cats, or added cats in the prayer, and they didn't talk about Cheysuli's bid for Presidency. Those beans sure can be rude!
Great job turning the tv on! You guys are way talented! We need to learn how to do that so we can watch Cat TV!
I watched, too! It was very moving. I think maybe no cats were there because it was too cold.
I watched as well and washed a paw... from inside. I was invited but I don't like to get cold... but he could have mentioned me a litttle...
I haven't learned to turn on the TV.
Wow, I'm impressed! I can only turn on the radio. I only got to see a bit of the parade when my mom was home for lunch, but that was pretty fun!
I only dial the phone to Michico before....
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